Canada, Believed Or Not
Maybe Americas President Elect, Donald Trump, was not joking when he stated Canadian Citizens could consider to replace there political immature acting Government's and annex Canada to be the 51 State under the American Constitution/ Bill of Right's. Speaking from my and my wife,s personals and business related experience Canadian Federal and Ontario's " Elected Leaders" don't enforce or obey there own created RULE of LAW ! Possession of our house and only residence was brutaly and criminal taking from us Seniors Canadian Citizens' by the corrupt Ontario Government five days before Christ-mass Nov.19/2011. Canadian finance Minister in waiting, Adam Chambers, our local Member of Parliament has full documented knowledge in his possession for years of the lawless conduct by the Ontario Government. Ex.1 Ontario Superior Court evidence: This above eviction order was forged and ilegally enforced by the Ontario Government impersonating the Simcoe Count...