
148) International Human Rights Regulations Are Just "Huff And Puff"

June 15/2024     Possession of our only residence, 25 Willow Cres. Ramara, Ontario, Canada was ilegally and brutaly taken away from us Senior Canadian Citizens' by a uniformed Ontario Government Enforcement Officer, Brad Calverly. All of our possessions, including over 50 years accumulated memobilia were ilegally removed and discarded, supervised and directed by Ontario Police.     He used as authority fore the forceful ilegall eviction a by him, Brad Calverly,  Forged Court Order.  ( Court Evidence) Those human rights violations were committed by Ontario's Authorities five days before Christmas eve.  Regardless of International Human Rights, laws for Christians not being displaced between December 11 to 11Jan. Christmas truce. Above Court document: Forged eviction Court Order was used and ilegally enforced. Those human rights violations where officially  reported with numerus documented legal evidence directly to the Human Rights Office in Switzerland by us, Ingeborg a

147) Rutan Dorf A Directed Energy Concept For Refugees And Other Displaced Individuals.

 Using available personal labor (from Refugees and displaced able individuals) to create positive motion/energy by converting a negative into  positive situation and provide Global housing needs. Rutan Dorf Settlement concept will provide the means of supplying in to the World Market   state of the art energy efficient solid housing and housing componence.        Above layout projects a 200 ac ( 81 Hectare) gated settlement with 220 housing/commercial units along the perimeter to accommodate the housing and supply needs fore 500 displaced able workers. Above 320 qf. enclosed housing unit with a 320 qft. open covered veranda will accommodate living space fore the able workforce and their families.   Above picture: Refugees looking fore a place to excised, by working, and prosper fore a better sustainable future. Above sketch demonstrate the outline fore the assemble of a "Self-Build" solid 2400 qf. living space habitat to help solving the World-wide housing shortage.  Above

146) Crime Does Pays In Canada/Ontario

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Ontario Attorney General Doug Downy and Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique are in a criminal conspiracy to suppress the possession of 25 Willow Cres. from Ingeborg Guettler.  The except and tolerate the use and enforcement of Court proven forged eviction Court Orders.      Illegal occupants and illegal "owner" of 25 Willow Cres. could manage a, as stated, by Orillia Provincial Police two months holiday in Florida last year, 2023. This winter (2024) the $ 468.000 fraudulent mortgaged, by the ilegall occupants. 25 Willow Cres. is empty for a prolong time again. A by the Ontario Authorities knowingly disregarded Court proven fact is that:        Possession of 25 Willow Cres. was illegally and forcefully taken from Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler by Brad Calverly. The Ontario Official used as authority a by him forged Superior Court Order fore the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from there legally occupied residence. Superior Court

145) The Power Of One "FORE ONE" Doug Ford Premier Of Ontario

Up dated: Jan. 2/2024 It appears to me, that disregarding the Rule Of law and using his political mussels, Ontario Premier Ford is not weaseling but plowing towards his personal goal. He is creating personal big time money, by making private business opportunities fore him and his designated business "Associate's" in India and Singapore.  Christmas day December 25/2023. Ontario Government is ilegally denying us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, for the 12 year now to worship our religions and German customs holies day in our retirement home 25 Willow Cres..  How ever the Ontario Government tolerate that People who have  ilegall possessing of our, by the Ontario Government ilegally confiscated house  to celebrate there relishes festivities in our, knowingly stolen house.    By doing so, he the Premier is using his, by him, appointed Ministers and Ontario Police Commissioner to participate in the Doug Ford Ontario Government criminal corruption, which also has International

144) Offshore Self-Financing, By Working, Accommodations For Refugees And Other Displaced Dwellers

 Rutandorf ( Nature Village) is a practical , considering nature design self financing gated Settlement for displaced able individual Humans. The "Rutandorf Gemeinschaft" is a specified habitat for growing and positive living. The Settlements will manufacture all " Lego like" house building elements. Transporting, in steel containers, building componence to be used fore the assembling of   self-build homes Kit format,  economically anywhere in the World.   Commercially manufacturing and assembling Syncred housing material with the in Ontario invented and developed large scale production machinery in Ontario was proven to be impossible. Ontario's Corrupt Government Agencies, Corrupt Ontario Civil Servants and Corrupt legal environment makes it impossible to conduct hones home-build large scale business in Ontario. Documented facts and explanations are published in my over 140 web segments.  HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/    Large arias of salt contamina