
Showing posts from July, 2017

80) Initiated By Neo- Form Market For 31 Countries In Europe

Up dated Feb.27/2022 :  Neo-Form Canada President Arnold Guettler and Neo-Form Europe President Otto Jelinek (former Canadian Government Minister) signed on June 11/1996 a Master License Agreement for Europe (31  Country's) Neo-Form Europe S.R.O. Registered Head Office was in 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic. Otto Jelinek and his Czech Republic technical support team visited the Neo-Form 44,000 qf. research facility, located at Fenmar Street Nord York, Ontario/Canada. The had several meetings with Neo-Form's technical staff and myself. After there due-diligent was completed, Mr. Jelinek and his European partners agreed to buy  a Master License for Europe and ordered, with a down payment of $ 400,000, the first Neo-Form production machinery, to be delivered to the Czech Republic.         The $ 400,000 were part of the 2 million collected by Neo-Form, doing legitimate international business. It was NOT, as the Ontario Security Commission published

81) Job Creation And Implementation Stopped By Sloppy Politics

There is no enforcement by Ontario Government Agencies in technology theft. In proven facts, Government Employees and Agencies were actively involved in INDUSTRIAL and ECONOMICAL ESPIONAGE.   Proven Facts: Numerous forged Court Orders went through the legal system undetected. Those bogus Court Orders where enforced by Ontario Law enforcement Officers. The forcefully  (using a forged Court Order)  illegally removed   all research and development contence  from Neo-form 44.000 qft. research and development facility.                      Patrick Brown MPP for South Simcoe and former Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader and previous MPP Garfield Dunlop for our ( Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler ) riding, had full knowledge of the disregarded MANUFACTURING EXPORT JOBS, CREATED IN ONTARIO. The also were informed of all the illegal activities witch prevented the implementation of thousands of JOBS in Ontario/Canada.     Illegal interference by Ontario Government's regulated enfo

82) Canadian Ambassador to Cuba, Keith Christie, escorted out of Cuba by Cuban outhorities.

Letter to Canadian Ambassador in Cuba, Keith Christie, dated June 28/1999.  Mr. Ambassador, I am appalled that you and your Embassy associate yourself with these people and companies and become directly involved in organized crime and money laundering in Cuba.  Neo-Form/Arnold Guettler building material invented in Ontario/Canada was illegally manufactured and used in Cuba.   The money that your cousin, Gordon Christie and Polygal- Casaforma Construction Inc. used in Cuba, was illegally brought into Cuba by Mr. Gordon Christie and his former lawyer Jeffery Burns in cash. Added later and not in the letter.  Canadian Bay Street lawyer Jeffery Burns was later convicted in the US for money laundering and cocaine trafficking. (Reported in the Toronto Globe & Mail) Continue with the letter. It is a well known fact in Cuba, that you and the Embassy are directly  involved in helping and promoting Gordon Christie's enterprise. H is company's, Polygal and Casaforma were in

83) Convicted Onterio lawyer, Jeffery Burns, 15 years prison term, incorporated the PAPER COMPANIES.

Up-Dated May 18/2022:   Relatives in high Ontario Government positions ( Michael Bernstein, Deputy Director for criminal matters) are involved in a  conspiracy of criminal international   espionage. He, Michael Bernstein, is the Brother of convicted Ontario Lawyer Jeffery Burns. (alias Jeffery Bernstein)  Above pictures: Neo-Form technology and material are ilegally produced and used in Havana/Cuba by Canadian Politicians, Civil Servants and Canadian business People. The in Ontario invented and developed technology and machinery was ilegally obtained in a Ontario Government raid.  Above document: Invalid/forged Court Order was used to ilegally and force-full confiscate all contents of the Neo-Form 44,000 qft. research and development facility.   Above document: Verification by the Ontario Government Attorney General's Office that the, for the raid, of the large scale research and development facility, used Court Order was invalid.   Uniformed Ontario Government enforcement personal