
Showing posts from October, 2017

70) In Ontario Invented Building Material.And Production Machinery ( including Video)

State of the art    healthy    building material was invented and approved in Ontario. Revolutionary production machinery were also invented and developed in Ontario.   The implementation of 10 of thousands created jobs in Ontario, Canada and World-wide were STOPPED because of purposely neglected ESPIONAGE.   Automated and computerized 150 ft. long machine can produce various shaped, of structural or non structural, building materials contentiously at a speed up to 30 ft. a minute. Revolutionary building material and production machinery was invented and developed in Ontario. (Previously posted blog: Jobs Jobs Jobs )   Displayed attitude by Ontario's Politicians over the years, WE ARE NOT INTERESTED.  $ 2.080,180.00 on research and development was successfully spent in Ontario. Thousands of manufacturing export Jobs were created. ( Previously posted blog: New Enterprise and Trade is Almost Impossible for Canadians) Politicians in Ontario are NOT INTERESTED. The develope

71) Disregarded Co-Operation Petition To The Ontario Government

Updated March 7/2022: What is the real reason why the Ontario Government continue to refuse and block the implementation of thousands of, in Ontario created high paying manufacturing jobs?   On Oct. 25/2013 I, Arnold Guettler officially petitions the Ontario  Government to assist and participate in developing implementation strategies for the in Ontario invented and developed new building materials and large scale production machinery. At the meeting, in the Hearst Block, I presented a 242 page folder of documents to, Roshan Mohan Manager, International Markets and Trade Branch.-- Asma Bala, Special Adviser to the Honorable  Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment.      The written portion of the petition contained suggested participation ideas and proposal concepts. For the Ontario Government to become a stake holder in technology and marketing/shipping concepts. Provide Government contact persons to assist particip