
Showing posts from April, 2018

50) High Paying Ontario Jobs WAITING To Be Implemented

Espionage c riminals were assisted by the "Ontario Authorities"( Police, Courts and other Enforcement Personal)  and there Agencies. Enzo Calisi, Manager for the Ont. Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Ontario Security Commission. ( at that time a illegally privatized Ontario Agency) participated in Technology Theft. In Ontario invented and fully developed * building material and large scale machinery was ready to be implemented. National and Global markets were established ( with signed and had deposit paid for over  $ 10.000,000) including: Canada, America, Europe, Russia, Africa, China, etc.     Over 12 years accumulated and documented records of Scientific Research, International Patent Documentation Production Machinery, Engineering detailed Drawings, Engineered Material Formulations and other HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL information were illegally obtained by  Government Personal, using a bogus Court Order, from the 44,000 qf. research facility.   Above

51) Ontario Economical Politicians Are NOT INTERESTED

For what ever reason the Ontario Government is not interested in Ontario invented and fully developed large scale job creation technology.        Canadian Government Agency Audited qualified research and development privately acquired expenditure  Canadian Government Agency audited qualified research and development privately raised funds. In 1992  I invented and directed the development of extrusion machinery for the in factory produced moldings and accenting products. Those exterior and interior building materials are now widely used in Commercial, Industrial and upscale Housing in Canada and North America.  In 1992-96 I further invented and directed the development of large scale production machinery for the manufacturing of structural and cladding, insulated cementitious building elements. The developed products were official tested and evaluated by the Canadian Research Council. Environmental impact reports and market study were commissioned and e

52) Why Due We Have A Ministry Of Economic Development, Trade And Employment?

Updated Feb. 4/2022: Our effort's and achievements have been sabotaged by Federal and Ontario Government Agencies and their employees in order to cover up  there direct involvement in Industrial and Economical Espionage. We, private Canadians, with-out Government money and hard work, have invented and fully developed new, state of the art, building materials and large scale production machinery. With out the assistants or help from Governments or their Agencies, we private Citizens  and Neo-Form Corp. have established solid world-wide trade markets. My presentation ( in person and over 240 supporting documents) to the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment, October 25/2013. Attending personal from the Ministry: Asma Bala, Special Adviser , to the Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment. Roshan Mohan,   Manager of International Markets in the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment. Presen