
Showing posts from July, 2018

36) ABUSED CANADIAN SENIORS Send A Reporting Letter With DOCUMENTS To Prime Minister Trudeau

Updated April 30/2022:   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is standing up for human rights in China. He, the Canadian Prime Minister is not standing up for human rights in Canada. That is treason.  Above picture: A stop work order was placed on a research and development project of a  small dwelling ( 160 qf.) solid living space and 160 open living porch) for the in 2010 displaced Haitian Population. This research project was erected on a three ac. leased lot in a industrial Park in Brechin Ont. By the way this prototype dwelling was intended for Haiti and there "Building Code regulations."   Document above: Self explaining stupidity of a Ontario Civil Servant. Above picture: Displaced, by a  devastating hurricane, people from Haiti trying survive. Proven with documented Court  evidence: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is grand standing for his own  image. He demonstrated with his  action/non action, that he is not interested in obeying his own sworn duty to Canadian  Citizens, in

37) Massive, Seven Police Cruisers,Chase Instigated By Criminals

It was broad daylight and the little house, 25 Willow Cres. 1300 qf.-144 m', was empty and unoccupied for months. This is Real and not a Charlie Chaplin Comedy Movie. Orillia OPP ( Ontario Provincial Police) were "informed," on April 14/2012 at around 10 o clock in the morning that the alarm system was activated at 25 Willow Cres.  IN LATER COURT EVIDENCE stated by Eve Barris: The alarm system at 25 Willow Cres. was activated, that Saturday morning, by Barris's own people. On December 19/2011 my wife and I were illegally and force-full evicted, by Ontario Enforcement Officers, from our house. The were using as authorization, a FORGED Ontario SUPERIOR COURT ORDER. ( court evidence) All of our, over 50 years accumulated contence and memorabilia, were stolen and taken away, under the instructions of disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, who stole our house through TITLE FRAUD. His wife Eve Barris and here relatives removed/scavenged all for them usable items, at will.  

38) Ontario Ring Of Fire Accommodating Native's Needs

Up dated Dec. 14/2021: Ring of fire n egotiating topic should include "improving the standard of living" for native people. Provide housing,  self containing techknowledgy and job training for local individual inhabitants .     In Ontario invented and fully developed cementatious building materials and fully developed machinery for the production of mold-free, healthy light  weight, inexpensive  and 100% fire prove ($42  a  qft  $  378   qm) cementitious  building material for Native Housin g. Functional d eveloped concepts. Decommission (after five years use) ore new 40 ft. steel container can be used for certified one way transportation of material for the construction of a 2400 qft. living space, house. The empty transportation containers will be placed and used as the structural base elements for the house. Neo-Form insulated cement coated materials will clad and isolated the interior walls, floors,  ceilings roofs and ou

39) Brad Calverley " Resigned " After Private Criminal Prosecution Was Initiated By Us.

I confronted the husky uniformed Ontario Enforcement Officer by saying: "THIS ISN'T LEGAL, YOU CAN'T DUE THIS." The employee of the Ontario Government replied: "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN." I guess the Ontario Government don't give a damn either. For almost three years Premier Doug Ford and and Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique have all proven documented facts, including numerous Court transcripts.   Brad Calverley did knowingly make a false document to with a Notice To Vacate with intend that it be acted upon as genuine and did thereby commit forgery. Canada Criminal Code 367. Canadian Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1998, c. C-46. Private Prosecutions in the Public Interest. We have a registered starting date fore the Criminal Prosecution of Brad Calverley. an uniformed Enforcement Officer, who is working for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.  After seven years of unsuccessful attempts to get the Canadian and Ontario Authorities