
Showing posts from November, 2018

19) Ontario Police BRUTALITY Against Seniors

Updated Jan. 5/2022: There was no L EGALLY authorized order to evict/remove us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from our residence and office.  (Court evidence) There were no ILLEGAL acts committed or  reported regarding us Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler.   The police had no LEGAL reason or Legal ORDER to REMOVE us SENIORS out of our legally occupied residence.  The Ontario Provincial Police was asked, by Eve Barris, "to remove an unwanted party from the premise" (25 Willow Cres.) I, Arnold Guettler, was sitting peace-full in my office chair with my arms and hands on the armrest when Police Officer Kimberly Wild came into my home office. She entered the house with-out any legal authority.  I was brutally assaulted by the Ontario Police Officer. I was at that time a 71-year Canadian Senior. (Court Evidence)      After REGAINING legal possession of our house, 25 Willow Cres. on January 5/2012, the CRIMINALS who stole the house through TITLE FRAUD called the police  "to he

20) Money Laundering Reported To The Police Was Not Investigated

Up dated Feb. 5/2022.  Ontario Police are not interested to investigate openly practice-st money laundering by Ontario Lawyers.  The Police received reported INDISPUTABLE legal documentation of money laundering and ELDER ABUSE.   ( Court Evidence) Our property was and is still vested in to the Ontario Government for over seven years, is continue d illegally occupied and used openly for money laundering. According to REVENUE  CANADA'S records. 25 Willow Cres. was never sold after Chelmarc Holding Corp. purchased the property in 2003. The notwithstanding clause gives YOU the power to grand us SENIORS the fundamental freedom and legal rights of Canadian Citizens. With the knowledge and HELP of Ontario Government personal, 25 Willow Cres., a property which was-is in the Ontario Government TRUST SHIP, was ILLEGALLY taken and sold four times and  used for MONEY LAUNDERING by white collar CRIMINALS. As of Today March 25/2020 the Ontario Government has refused to hand over


Updated: March 3/2022: Over $ 10.000,000 worth of contracts were signed world wide by my Neo-Form Companies and me.  Over $ 1,200.000 were paid to the Neo-Form Companies in deposits and down payments.  Picture above: Refugees from Haiti at the Dominican Republic border after the natural disaster ( earthquake in 2010) Picture above: Composite drawing of a ( 320 qf living space) sturdy Haiti Refugee habitat. Picture above: Progress of building a prototype Haiti Refugee dwelling on a thee acre leased property in Brechin Ont. Industrial Park. This Canadian humanitarian project was stopped by arrogant stupidity.  Desperately needed humanitarian help in Haiti is stopped by Ontario Civil Servants.   Document above: First paragraph  determine "exactly"  "what is exactly to be placed" it chows the incompetent's of the writher.  On a prototype research and development project you can not determine exactly what is taking place. This is why you research. When you got the r