
Showing posts from February, 2020

3) Open Letter To The Hon. Ontario Minister Lisa Thompson

Up-dated Sep/26 2023:  Todd McCarthy , regarding "25 Willow Cres". you are now the third Ontario Minister of Government public and business service delivery. This means, that you are now  responsible  for the  immediate   possession of 25 Willow Cres. to Ingeborg Guettler. As you probably know, possession of 25 Willow Cres. was ilegally   ( using a forged Superior Court Order)   and brutally taken from us, 70+ Canadian seniors by Ontario Government enforcement personal.   You as a trained Lawyer   should know, that the people  have illegal possession of  25 Willow Cres for many years. \Hon. Ross Romano, took over the Ministry ( Public and Business Service Delivery)  from Hon. Lisa Thomson in 2021. You should be aware of our  unbelievable situation ( 25 Willow Cres. our house and residence stolen and ilegally retained by the Ontario Government) documented in our BLOG In June 2022 you, Minister Hon Ross Romano  where replaced by jet another Ontario Minister for Public and