
Showing posts from August, 2020

100) Indisputable Legal And Officially Documented Prove Versus The Undemocratic Power Of Government

Updated: Dec. 6/2022 What is preventing the Ontario Government from obeying their own legislated laws? Are the and all their Civil Servants above the law? Are the untouchables?    As of today, Oct. 26/2021, our illegally, by the Ontario Government  obtained, illegally retained and still illegally occupied property, has not been returned by the Ontario Government to the lawful owner, Ingeborg Guettler. (Blog 3) We Canadian Seniors, living and working in Canada for over 59 years, were illegally evicted by Ontario Government Employee, Brad Calverley. The husky uniformed Ontario Officer using a by him  forged   Superior Court Order   to force full remove us Seniors  out of our mortgage free house and only  residence, almost 10 years ago. If those crimes would happen in China Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would stand up for Chinas People. He would strongly condemn the human rights violations and elder abuse in China.   (Oct. 16/2020 Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his