
Showing posts from March, 2023

133) Havana Syndrome "Saga/Tale" Or Political Shenanigan's

A practical guided non bias investigation by knowledgably individuals would have suspected a physical tangible cause of the "Havana Syndrome". The would detect a very well known health phenomenon in western drywall construction. MOLD       The descripted, by Experts and Politian's, "Havana Syndrome" is a bio-toxin illnesses and symptom's are common in mold infected living/working accommodations around western Nations. The physical injury's and health issues are caused by hazardous building materials. This inferior and mold causing material , drywall , was exported into Cuba, by contractors from USA and Canada. This unsafe building material was applied in their Embassies. Cuba's climate (warm/hot and moist) enhances the development of black mold spores on a paper covered material on drywall. Those mold spores become airborne and infect the human body. One of the many mold fungus health hazard's are flue/covic syndromes. Drywall building material