
Showing posts from December, 2018

18) Canadian Human Rights Violation In Canada

F or over eight years the Ontario Government ignored the RULE OF LAW, and thereby became a  Conspirator to Title Fraud and Money-Laundering .  Canadian Revenue Agency's Employee Mr. Mitchum, Tel. 1 844 701 5582 confirmed on April 9 2015 to my wife, in a telephone conversation, that all tax issues regarding her, by the Ontario Government  dissolved Chelmarc Holding Corp. have been solved and satisfied. THE FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED. According to established law and documented evidence, 25 Willow Cres, should have been taken out of Ontario Governments Ownership and transferred to the law full owner Ingeborg Guettler in April 2015. However, as of today, Feb. 5/2022, our by the Ontario Government ilegally "owned" residence is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering.   December 19/2011, five days before Christmas Eve, possession of our house and ONLY residence was ILLEGALLY taken from us seniors by Brad Calverley a Ontario Government En forcement Officer.