18) Canadian Human Rights Violation In Canada

For over eight years the Ontario Government ignored the RULE OF LAW, and thereby became a Conspirator to Title Fraud and Money-Laundering . 

Canadian Revenue Agency's Employee Mr. Mitchum, Tel. 1 844 701 5582 confirmed on April 9 2015 to my wife, in a telephone conversation, that all tax issues regarding her, by the Ontario Government dissolved Chelmarc Holding Corp. have been solved and satisfied. THE FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED.

According to established law and documented evidence, 25 Willow Cres, should have been taken out of Ontario Governments Ownership and transferred to the law full owner Ingeborg Guettler in April 2015.

However, as of today, Feb. 5/2022, our by the Ontario Government ilegally "owned" residence is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering. 

December 19/2011, five days before Christmas Eve, possession of our house and ONLY residence was ILLEGALLY taken from us seniors by Brad Calverley a Ontario Government Enforcement Officer.

He used as authority, a by him, FORGED SUPERIOR COURT ORDER to "evict us." (Court evidence

To cover up his crimes, Brad Calverly, filed an un-authorized and un-used eviction Court Order. Saying that the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. never happend. (Court evidence)

Through TITLE FRAUD and BOGUS POWER of SALES the property (which WAS and still IS) vested (guardianship) into the Crown (Ontario Government) was illegally transferred by crooked Ontario registered lawyers. 

Possession of the stolen house was FORCE FULLY and ILLEGALLY taken from us seniors by Brad Calverley, an Ontario Government Enforcement Officer. He used as "AUTHORITY" a by him FORGED Superior Court Order to evict us out of our LEGALLY occupied house. (Ontario Superior court evidence)

Brad Calverley is a Ontario Government enforcement Officer and not the Simcoe County Sheriff.
 25 Willow Cres. was illegally transferred from Sheldon Barris, WHO DID'T OWN the property, though BOGUS power of sale proceedings, from Sheldon Barris (disbarred lawyer) to his OWN company, Jorlee Holding LTD. for $ 535.000, in December 8/2010. (Court evidence)

 The Land Transfer was ILLEGALLY REGISTERED by Barris lawyer-friend Ephraim Fiksel. He registered the transfer WITH OUT A TITLE SEARCH which would DOCUMENT that the registered owner of the property is Chelmarc Holding Corp., and that the property is vested into the Government.

 Front view of 25 Willow Cres, 

Landscaped back-yard of our stolen (through Title Fraud) by crocked LAWYERS

25 Willow Cres. was by law, vested (Guardianship) into the Ontario Government UNTIL certain contradicting issues were cleared up with Canada Revenue Agency. 

In Law, Notice is Paramount on any PENDING POWER OF SALE. The Government was not official notified of any of the Power of Sales of 25 Willow Cres. How-ever we our self, since August 9/2011, informed the Government CONSTANTLY of the ILLEGAL activities relating to the property in which my wife Ingeborg Guettler, as former sole shareholder of Chelmarc Holding Corp., has by LAW, a financial OBLIGATION and Interest in.

 Revenue Canada, the Agency, who has jurisdiction over tax matters and collections, including GST/HST since 2009, stated that the are satisfied with the accounting and the file on Chelmarc Holding Corp. has been CLOSED in July 2015.

Officials from the Ontario Guardian Trust (Trustees of 25 Willow Cres.) were ORDERED to Court to testify about the status regarding 25 Willow Cres.

However, the DISOBEYED the Court Order, to appear, and IGNORED official registered land documentation.

COMMENTS by Ingeborg Guettler: Document below are the detailed information, regarding the by Ephraim  Fiksel Paper-Company, which created the contradicting filing data.

Verification Document from the Government of Ephraim  Fiksel bogus filing PAPER-COMPANY

It should be very obvious, that there is a direct CONNECTION between my Property, 25 Willow Cres. - registered as Chelmarc Hold. Corp, 100% owned by me, and my husband's business Neo Form,s Corp.

Lawyers Ephraim Fiksel and Sheldon Barris anticipated that my husband's Patens and business assets would go in to Chelmarc Hold. Corp.

Due to incorrect and fraudulent filing data by the Lawyer, the paper company and my authentic Chelmarc Hold. Corp. where dissolved by the Ontario Government. All assets, incl. 25 Willow Cres. where vested by LAW into the Ontario Government.

In 2009 the Canadian Federal Government took over certain
Revenue responsibility from the Ontario Government.
There by the Property 25 Willow Cres. and related issues became a tax responsibility of the Federal Government.

In June 2015 all issues regarding 25 Willow Cres were cleared by the CRA and the File was closed. 

According to the LAW, 25 Willow Cres. should hat been returned to Ingeborg Guettler at that date. She is the declared lawful OWNER of 25 Willow Cres.

All Government Agencies and Ministers where informed of the established FACTS, incl. the latest Ontario Government Minister Hon. Victor FEDELI. His Ministry is responsible for the lawful transfer of 25 Willow Cres. from the Ontario Government to Ingeborg Guettler

I did not get any response from Minister Fedeli --- and us of today 17. November 2019, 25 Willow Cres.is still illegal occupied and used for money laundering.



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