3) Open Letter To The Hon. Ontario Minister Lisa Thompson

Up-dated Sep/26 2023: 

Todd McCarthy, regarding "25 Willow Cres". you are now the third Ontario Minister of Government public and business service delivery. This means, that you are now responsible for the immediate possession of 25 Willow Cres. to Ingeborg Guettler.

As you probably know, possession of 25 Willow Cres. was ilegally ( using a forged Superior Court Order) and brutally taken from us, 70+ Canadian seniors by Ontario Government enforcement personal. 

 You as a trained Lawyer  should know, that the people  have illegal possession of  25 Willow Cres for many years.

\Hon. Ross Romano, took over the Ministry ( Public and Business Service Delivery) from Hon. Lisa Thomson in 2021. You should be aware of our unbelievable situation ( 25 Willow Cres. our house and residence stolen and ilegally retained by the Ontario Government) documented in our BLOG

In June 2022 you, Minister Hon Ross Romano where replaced by jet another Ontario Minister for Public and Business Service Delivery, Minister Kaleed Rasheed. 

Daylight robbery supervised by Ontario 
Provincial Police.

 You, Hon. Minister Ross Romano, are a lawyer and should have no problem, understanding the unprecedented illegal situation of 25 Willow Cres. documented in my blog.

I presume, that you know, that I Ingeborg Guettler, personally handed over documents to Commissioner Thomas Carrique on June 4.2019 to his office in Orillia.

As it stated in your profile, that you regard your self us a politician. Us such you have the responsibility, to enforce HUMAN RIGTHS . Us you might know, my House - 25 Willow Cres, in Brechin - is still unlawful retained by the Ontario Government and unlawful occupied.
In 4 weeks, the 19.December 2021, it will be 10 Years, that our residence and all our belongings were ilegally taken from our residence. The were stolen trough criminals activities, including forged  Court-Orders, brutally assisted by the Police.
( Court Evidence ) 

I want my residence - House - now, so that my husband and I can recuperate from the 10 year ordeal , we endured in the LAW-LES Canada, and can look forward to a well-deserved Christmas-Saison!

Transcript of Proceedings before the Honourable Justice W.G. Beatty on July 30.th.2012, at Orillia, Ontario Page 95 R.V. Guettler K.Wild, cr.-ex.

  " The Court : And at that point, the Order isn't valid, had any value to it at all. " (Forged and invalid court order document below)

Those unbelievable crimes are tolerated by the Ontario Government. Disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris Company, Jorlee Holdings Limited, illegal registered owners of the property, sold 25 Willow Cres. under faked power of sale proceedings. 

 Lets stay with the documented, registered and Court established facts (evidence) of the property known as 25 Willow Cres. and Ontario Government's, by law required, actions and no actions. 

As of today Jan. 7/2021  25 Willow Cres. is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering.

1) 25 Willow Cres. was purchased by Chelmarc Holding Corp. Oct. 3/2003.

2) Chelmarc Holding Corp. was incorporated Oct. 18/1999. The Company was 100% owned by my wife Ingeborg Guettler

3) Duly registered ( with all applicable Government Agencies including Revenue Canada) Chelmarc Holding Corp. office was 25 Willow Cres. 

4) April 13/2006 Chelmarc Holding Corp. was unlawful dissolved by the Ontario Government for claimed tax violations. 

5) 25 Willow was forfeited into and owned by the Ontario Government from that date on (Apr. 13/2006)  

6)  The Ontario Government never executed a     official transfer of 25 Willow Cres.             

7) In June 2015 Revenue Canada concluded, after there full investigation, including all regularly filed tax returns, that there were no tax violations committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp. file closed.

8) After that official conducted investigation by Revenue Canada and Chelmarc Holding Corp. file 25 Willow Cres. should have be by law, transferred from the Ontario Government to the rightful, by law, owner Ingeborg Guettler in June 2015.

9) However 25 Willow Cres. was stolen from the Ontario Government.  Lawyer Sheldon Barris and his coconspirator's lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, Robert Zigler and James Klein used the stolen (Title fraud) property fore criminal obtained profits.

$ 2.000,000 changed ilegally hands using 25 Willow Cres. in Ponzi Scheme's.

10) While 25 Willow Cres. was vested into and owned by the Ontario Government, lawyer Ephraim Fiksel illegally transferred and registered the mortgage free property from Sheldon Barris ( who did not own 25 Willow Cres.) to Barris Company Jorlee Holding LTD for $ 535.000 on Dec.8/2010.     

All this ( 40 documents) documented and registered information was given to Francy Vandenberg, Counsel of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General on Aug.9/2011. 


Above: Acknowledgment by the Ontario Government that the found the written law about forfeited property "lawful"  possession and dispose of the forfeited corporate property. (25 Willow Cres.) 

First yellow market paragraph: On the Ontario Government document above confirms that Chelmarc property was forfeited to the Crown. (Ontario Government)

Second yellow market paragraph: On the Ontario Government document confirms that there is willful blindness, nobody can be
 that stupid.

The documented and registered facts are:

25 Willow Cres. was vested in to the Ontario Government Apr.13/2006.

There never was a registered power of sale from Chelmarc Holding Corp. or the Public Guardian and Trustee. ( Land Register Office # 51 Barrie Ontario)

 The only registered ( Land Register Office # 51 Barrie Ontario) power of sale of the mortgage free 25 Willow Cres. was from Sheldon Barris, who did not own the property, to his company Jorlee Holding INC. for $ 535.000.

No accounting for the power of sale was provided to the appropriate authorities. 

The property was confiscated by the Ontario Government for claimed tax violations. After a full investigation by Revenue Canada the closed the file and stated " there were no tax violations committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp.. "


My wife's property and our residence, 25 Willow Cres., was unlawfully and wrongly confiscated, on Apr. 13/2006, by the Ontario Government and is still illegal occupied, as of today          Nov 7/2020. 

Possession of our house was illegally and forceful taken from us by Brad Calverley, a Ontario Government Enforcement Officer. He used his, by him self, forged Superior Court Order for the eviction from our legally occupied retirement home almost 10 years ago.

  Forged and illegally executed by Ontario Government Employee Brad Calverley Eviction Court Order. ( Court Evidence)

Ontario Government email to Ms. Guettler, dated Sep.11/2019. Quote:" The corporation was dissolved pursuant to the Business Corporation Act. for corporate tax violations in 2006." This is a blatant  lie by the Ontario Government. 

Documented prove, published below in this blog stated, that all taxes for Chelmarc Holding Corp. were payed and all tax accountings accepted Revenue Canada. 

Returned mailed Government tax accountings were regularly send to the officially registered office of Chelmarc Holding Corp., at 25 Willow Cres.

 The Office of Chelmarc Holding Corp. was legally changed and officially registered at 25 Willow Cres. from the Tottenham Lawyers incorporation office in the year 2003.)      

E Mail, above, from the Ontario Government, knowingly falsely    stated " Corporation was dissolved to the Business Corporation Act for Corporate Tax violations in 2006."

Revenue Canada verified after a full investigation in June 2015, that there were no tax violations committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp.. File Closed
Open letter to the Hon. Lisa Thompson Ontario Minister of Government and Consumer Services. As I understand your  Ministry is now the third Ministry responsible fore Forfeited Corporate Property within five years. 

 Five years ago it was the Ontario Attorney General Ministry (public trustee division) who were responsible fore forfeited corporate real property. The were informed with documented evidence of all the illegal transactions regarding 25 Willow Cres. including: money laundering (over 2.000,000) tax fraud and title fraud. Those transactions were executed and registered with a property which was vested in to and owned by the Ontario Government.

 After that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.... were responsible fore forfeited corporate real property. That Ministry was also informed with documented evidence of all the illegal transactions regarding 25 Willow Cres.

Now I been informed that there is jet another Ministry who is responsible fore Ontario forfeited corporate real property. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. 

So with other words, a Canadian/Ontario Government can negate there legislated legal duties and responsibilities of a Ministry by transferring legal issues to another Ministry, who had "no involvement" in the matters.  

Case in point: Letter from (MGCS) dated Wed. Sep. 11/2019 "The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services investigated this matter and has confirmed the Ministry has no involvement with 25 Willow Crescent property, therefore has no authority to dispose or manage the property.         

Directly connected to our private lives' (25 Willow Cres.) are my Neo-Form business activities. Same lawyers, Sheldon Barris and Ephraim Fiksel, are criminally involved. Detailed information are posted in my 100 blogs at: HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGS.CA/  

 By now, you and Premier Ford must have realized that the massive criminal activities by Ontario lawyer, including: title and tax fraud, espionage, paper company with mailbox address, money laundering, Court manipulations and many other crimes, posted in my 104 blogs were committed to gain possession of my business. My companies value was calculated by KPMG in an audited statement in 1997 in the amount of  $ 30.000,000.      

At that time still, Ontario license lawyer Sheldon Barris had personal knowledge, that all of my patents, technology rights, shares and real estate properties from my companies and my interested in associated companies would end up in a Holding Company.    

My Companies businesses and other technology and intellectual  properties or any other related issues have nothing to due with my wife's property (25 Willow Cres.) or Chelmarc Holding Corp.   

My wife, Ingeborg Guettler, retained her own lawyer, Colin Smith in Tottenham, to incorporate her Chelmarc Holding Corp. This company was registered Oct.18/1999 by my wife's lawyer. 

Ingeborg Guettler's registered Chelmarc Holding Corp.

Same time, Sheldon Barris instructed lawyer Ephraim Fiksel (a friend of Sheldon Barris) to incorporate a Chelmarc Holding Corp. Both lawyers had no knowledge that my wife's lawyer had already registered her company.

Ephraim Fiksel/Sheldon Barris unauthorized attempt to register there Chelmarc Holding Corp.  
 On Apr.13/2006 Chelmarc Holding Corp. (named after our grand children Chelsey and Marcus) was dissolved by the Ontario Government. The property was by law vested into and owned by the Ontario Government. Since that date and as of today 25 Willow Cres., according to the records of Revenue Canada, the Agency who has tax (HST) jurisdiction since 2009, Chelmarc Holding Corp. 25 Willow Cres. property has never been sold.

On Aug. 23/2019 we send an email to your Ministry Office in Toronto and a copy to your Constituency Office in North Bay.          
We made you aware of ALL the documented FACTS provided in our 100 segment published blog. HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGS.CA/ 

We received a responding letter from a B.J. Weinert, Manager, Portfolio Performance stating:

Quote: The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services investigated this matter and has confirmed the Ministry has had no involvement with 25 Willow Crescent property, therefore has no authority to dispose of or manage the property." 

Responding to this paragraph: How can an email addressed to you the Hon. Minister Fedeli be answered by a we don't know person ? It was defiantly not answered by or in the name of the Minister, your staff or your Ministry.

Quote: "Following a careful review of the parcel and the registered transfer's on title, MGCS's Realty Division determent that the property is owned by private individuals. It was also discovered that Chelmarc Holding Corporation previously owned the property, 25 Willow Crescent Brechin from 2003 until the corporation was dissolved pursuant to the Business Corporation Act for Corporate Tax violations in 2006. The corporation remains dissolved today."    

Responding to this paragraph: The review should be done professional by professionals and not just careful. A proper professional conducted title search on 25 Willow Cres. would prove that the last mortgage fore Chelmarc Holding Corp. was payed and discharged 2007/10/05 and there was no mortgage registered against the property until disbarred lawyer, Sheldon Barris, who never owned the property, sold the property from him, to his own company Jorlee Holding INC. in a bogus power of sale proceeding for $535.000.      

Ontario Government employee Quote: "corporation was dissolved pursuant to the Business Corporations Act for Corporate Tax violations in 2006." This statement, by the Ontario Government employee, is a fabricated lie, libel and with out any facts.       

The documented and registered facts are:

Ontario Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel/Sheldon Barris were in the process of unauthorized changing the ownership and register there Chelmarc Holding Corp. This illegal action created a contradicting registration confusion in the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. This was the ONLY reason why my wife's company was dissolved. There were no tax violations.    

The above Government document identifies and states the incorrect filing data. It is the only reason why Ingeborg Guettler's authentic and legally registered Chelmarc Holding Corp. was cancelled and all of its properties became vested to and owned by the Ontario Government

There were no tax violations. 

Documented by Revenue Canada tax filings       

Sample of Ingeborg Guettler's Chelmarc Holding Corp. tax record. Those documents were created and send to the Corporations legally registered address, 25 Willow Cres., by Canada Revenue Agency 3years after Chelmarc was dissolved in 2006.
Those documents also prove that there were no Tax Violations as falsely and maliciously stated in a letter dated Sep. 11/2019, by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.   

Aug 9/2011 my wife and I visited the office of the Ministry of Revenue at 33 King str. West in Oshawa Ont. The purpose of that visit was to inquire certain contradicting mail correspondence regarding Chelmarc Holding Corp. and our residence 25 Willow Cres. We were informed by Sandra Darks, an employee of the Ministry, that: 

My wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp. was dissolved by the Ontario Government and since Apr. 13/2006 vested/owned by the Government. 

We ask Sandra Darks, why was Ingeborg Guettler, the registered president at the companies registered office at 25 Willow Cres. Brechin Ont. NOT  informed ?

She replied that, according to the computer registered data, all correspondents were send to Chelmarc Holding Corp. 8929 Weston Road Woodbridge On. ( Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel's mailbox company)  

We told Sandra Darks, that Chelmarc Holding Corp. up to that date, Aug. 9/2011, was sending regularly every Month the tax information to the Government. My wife, who does all the bookkeeping for her company, informed Ms. Darks that Revenue Canada reply's regularly by sending adjusted tax statements to Chelmarc's registered office 25 Willow Cres. Brechin On. 

Ms. Darks stated that there are very CONFUSING computer and paper records, and she called her Supervisor, Ms. Lee. She informed herself of the situation and concluded, that a lawyer from the Attorney's General's Office has to deal with this matter. A date was set for the following week.

My Wife and I attended at the Ministry of the Attorney General Office at 33 King Street West Oshawa Ont. There we med France Vandenberg counsel for Legal Services Branch for the Ministry of the Attorney General, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Revenue.

At the meeting we explained to her the situation and handed her a package of 40+ documents. After sifting through the documents, she stated: that cannot be, there is something very wrong. Ms. Vandenberg ask if she can make copies of the documents, we agreed. 

Few days later we telephoned her and ask her what she has done with the documents? She replied by stating: " I handed all the documents to my boss."

Her (France Vandenberg) boss worked in the same Ministry (Ministry of the Ontario Attorney General) is connected to Michal Bernstein deputy director for criminal matters for Ontario Government.

 Ontario lawyer Jeffrey Burns, alias Jefferey Bernstein, was National and International involved in espionage regarding my, Arnold Guettler, inventions and technology developments. 

After a week we tried to phone her and found out, that her phone was disconnected. All attempts to reach or contact her were fruitless.                           


Document from Canada Revenue Agency verifying the creation of lawyer Ephraim Fiksel's bogus Chelmarc Holding Corp. This company had a mailbox address, 8929 Weston Road Woodbridge Ont. in a storage facility.    

 25 Willow Cres. was our principal residence from Oct.24/2003 till Dec.19/2011 when we, seniors in our seventy's, were ILLEGALLY and FORCEFULLY removed by Ontario Civil Servant (Government Employee) Brad Calverley.

He used as "authority" a by him FORGED SUPERIOR COURT ORDER. (Court evidence)

Brad Calverley is a Ontario Enforcement Officer and not, like in this Court documented case, the Simcoe County Sheriff.

To conceal his criminal activities the Ontario Government employee did not file, mandatory requirement, the executed eviction order. What was filed was an unauthorized and unsinged document. (Court evidence)

According to the FILED OFFICIAL DOCCUMENTATATION, the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. on Dec. 19/2011 NEVER HAPPENT. (Court Evidence)

All levels of Canadian Governments (Federal, Ontario and Simcoe County) were informed with documented EVIDENCE including 100 segments in HTTP:// FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGS.CA/ over the last eight years.


All required documents by Revenue Canada, were send and accepted as true authentic prove, that there were no tax violations committed by Ingeborg Guettler's authentic and lawful registered and operating Chelmarc Holding Corp.  

According to the records of Revenue Canada, as stated by Robert Mitchum, "there were no tax violations, and the file was closed (June 2015.)"

Chelmarc Holding Corp. property 25 Willow Cres. was vested- owned, by law, into and by the Ontario Government on Apr. 13/2006.

 June 2015, 25 Willow Cres. should had been transferred, by law, from the Ontario Government to Ingeborg Guettler.

Ingeborg Guettler was the registered, 100% owner of Chelmarc Holding Corp. registered office 25 Willow Cres. By law,  
after clearing and verifying all tax issues. The assets of a, by Ontario Government dissolved company, have to be transferred from the Ontario Government's ownership to Chelmarc Holding Corp. only share holder Ingeborg Guettler.

For whatever reason, this law full transfer of 25 Willow Cres. from the Ontario Government to the, by law, rightful owner Ingeborg Guettler is still outstanding since June 2015.

According to our, up to day Aug. 2/2020 knowledge: 25 Willow Cres. is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering.  



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