13) Conspiracy Of SILENCE

An unstated agreement to remain silent among those who know something whose disclosure might be damaging, harmful or against their own best interest, unfavorable or criminal.

Large scale Fraud and criminal Conspiracy committed against us seniors by Ontario Government employees were constantly reported to the appropriate Authorities for over seven years.

Canadian/Ontario Government Officials, Ontario Police and Federal RCMP received indisputable Government registered fraudulent documentation and criminal activities including:     

Superior Court Document Above: " And at that point, the order isn't valid." "It never had any value to it at all." Statements referring to the brutal and ilegall eviction of us Canadian seniors from our legally occupied residence, 25 Willow Cres. 


The SNC Lavalin affair is not the only legal scandal in Canadian Politics. Legal indisputable facts of willful neglect and interference by Canadian Governments in criminal prosecution is widespread. 
Our precious possessions, accumulated over 50 years, thrown out as just junk under the direction of Eve Barris, the Criminal who stole our house though TITLE FRAUD.

 The late's written communication to the Simcoe County Warden George Cornell was hand delivered on February 19/2019 about 11,30 am. The Administrative Assistant to the Office of the Warden Jen Swaile received the envelope personal from my wife Ingeborg Guettler.

Ms. Swaile stated to my wife that Mr. Cornell was in meetings and cannot be disturbed. However, she promises to phone my wife later that day to confirm the handover of the envelop to Mr. Cornell.

As of today, February 21/2019 my wife did not receive a phone call from Ms. Swaile. A reminder message was left on her answering machine. 

Ten days after my wife delivered the letter and documents to Simcoe County Warden George Cornell, she received an acknowledgement call from Administrative Assistant Jen Swaile, that Mr. Cornell received the documentation.

However, as of today March 18/2019, we have not received   any reply from the Warden or his Office in regard to the documented issues.


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