9) Knowingly Forged Ontario Superior Court Order Used For Eviction

Updated Oct. 18/2023  Maybe our "caring" Canadian
 leaders should attend to the "Canadian human atrocities" particular regarding us Canadian seniors. We helped build Canada and it prosperity for over 60 years.

Possession of our residence was ilegally optained through force by Ontario Enforcement Personal. 

Eviction Superior Court Order was forged, was ilegally enforced and was not filed by Ontario Government employee, Brad Calverley.(Court evidence) 

Document above: Only officially filed 25 Willow Cres. eviction document was not authorized or used. Court evidence

Above document: Used, by a Ontario Government Employee, impersonating a County Official, for the brutal and forceful ilegall eviction of us Canadian Seniors in Canada. ( Court evidence)

Today Nov. 18/Nov.2023 Our proven ilegally obtained and ilegally occupied house is still not returned to the rightful owner, Ingeborg Guettler. 

Possession of 25 Willow Cres. is also criminally obstructed by the Ontario Government.

Those indictable, premediated crimes committed by Ontario Government employee were reported with numerous documented evidence to all Ontario/Canadian authorities, including RCMP, ( Canadian Federal Police) and OPP ( Ontario Provincial Police) 10 years ago.

Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns and Ass. Simcoe County Crown Att. Russel had personal Court evidence, that that the enforced eviction order was forged.

Instead of charging the Ontario Government Employee ,Brad Calverly, the both resigned. 

Reported with documented evidence to all the Canadian/Ontario Governments legal authorities were that, Brad Calverley knowingly ignored the judicial authority of the Sheriff, who is appointed by the County of Simcoe to oversee the legality of Court Orders before the being enforced.

As of today, Apr. 18/2023 the, by the Ontario Government, illegally optained and illegally retained property, 25 Willow Cres. is still not returned, by the Ontario Government to the lawful owner, ( verified by Canada Revenue in 2015) Ontario Senior (80+) Ingeborg Guettler! 

  Who is running the Ontario Province? The elected Government is by-passed by the long "serving not so hones" Civil Servants.

 An official correspondents was 
addressed and send to the Ontario Attorney General. A Civil Servant reply letter (document above) was send and received by me Nov. 25/2016.

It is obvious, that Ontario Government personal legal Counsel       (lawyers) are involved in money laundering and other criminal  activities. 

Above: Forged, by Ontario Civil Servant, Superior Court Order.

Brad Calverley is not a Sheriff. On this Superior Court Order he, Brad Calverley, ilegally authorized the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Canadian Seniors, from there residence 25 Willow Cres. This is a indictable crime.

Brad Calverley knowingly used a invalid/forged Court Order to remove us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from our legally occupied house, 25 Willow Cres. on Dec. 19/2011, five days before Christ-mas eve.  This is another indictable crime committed by Brad Calverley. 

  Ontario Government Civil Servant, Brad Calverley, illegally and force fully, using a by him forged and criminal uttered Superior Court Order, obtained possession of our (mid-seventies Canadian seniors) mortgage free house and residence, 25 Willow Cres. (Court evidence)

25 Willow Cres. was purchased in 2003

Backyard of 25 Willow Cres. in 2003 

Backyard of 25 Willow Cres. after landscaping in 2010

25 house renovation and landscaping in 2010

25 Willow Cres. backyard and waterfront landscape renovation and improvement in 2010

Backyard landscape improvement with waterfall. 

This (above) Forged and not filed Superior Court Order was ilegally signet as Sheriff and ilegally enforced by the uniformed Brad Calverley, an Ontario Government Enforcement Officer. He forcefully removes us Canadian seniors out of our mortgage free house, five days before Christmas eve. Brad Calverley signet the Order as Sheriff employed by Simcoe County. (Court evidence)

Brad Calverley is a enforcement employee of the Ontario Government and not a Sheriff employed by the Simcoe County. (Court evidence)

Prove of the premeditated indictable crimes committed by Ontario Government employee by Brad Calverley, only officially filed copy of the (above) unauthorized Court Order. This certified unsigned document was ordered to be produced into evidence by the Court two Years after the eviction. (Court evidence)


This document, above, is signet by Ontario Government Enforcement Officer, Brad Calverley, using his other signature when he handed the, by him, illegally and force full obtained property to Vincent Chiarelli an illegal operating Agent for Jorlee Holding INC (disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris Company)

Ontario Government employee Brad Calverley's other signature forging the authority of the Simcoe County Sheriff.

Above document: Prove of the, in a conspiracy, ilegall actions of Vincent Chiarelli.  

Above document: Court Order verifying that Vincent Chiarelli is an ilegall operating Agent. It also verifies that all legal conduct and signed documentation by Chiarelli are invalid.  

Above document: Verifying explanation News-Paper report.

Above Document: Invalid Mediation Agreement

Vince Chiarelli is an ilegall operating Agent (Court evidence) acting ilegally for disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris company Jorlee Holding INC. (Court evidence) 

Document above: This, by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, bogus documented and registered land transfer of 25 Willow Cres. was one of forty pages of EVIDENCE, handed to France Vandenberg, Counsel for the Ministry of the Ontario Attorney General on Aug. 9/2011.

It appears that the Ontario Government (Civil servants) and Police authorities are purposely disregarding the Rule of Law and their sworn duty. The continue to cover up their criminal involvement and inability to deal or solve the matter.

My wife and I retained lawyers Niebler/ Bednarska and payed them a $ 10.000,00 retainer, which we bowered from friends. The Ontario license lawyers were to represent her (Ingeborg Guettler) monetary interest and ownership of the, by the Ontario Government, illegally, dissolved Chelmarc Holding Corp including two properties. 

My wife and I retained and paid the lawyers to represent her and her interests regarding the assets of her dissolved Chelmarc Holding Corp.  

 Due to fraudulent interference and fraudulent document filing by Ontario lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, my wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp. was dissolved. 25 Willow Cres. Property was vested/owned in to and by the Ontario Government on April 13/2006.


Bogus Corporation document filed by Ontario lawyer Ephraim Fiksel using incorrect Corporation Nr. 138015 were the Couse of the of the cancelation of Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

                Above filed document by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel using an incorrect Chelmarc Corporation Nr. 138015. This incorrect documentation was never rectified by the lawyer who was trying to take illegal control of my wife's 100% owned Chelmarc Holding Corp.

My wife's authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp registered, by her lawyer Colin Smith, showing the correct incorporation Nr.  1380015

 This tolerated, by the authorities, criminal elder abuse is disgusting, cowardly and spineless. 

Today, Dec. 27/2020, our illegally, by the Ontario Government, retained house and residence is still illegal occupied by people unknown.

This is the house, 25 Willow Cres., when my wife and I bought it in 2003 for $180 000

This is the back yard of our property, 25 Willow Cres., in the summer of 2010.

The back yard of our house, 25 Willow Cres., when we purchased it in 2003.

Seriou's crimes were committed by Ontario Civil Servants. Those indictable crimes were reported with COURT EVIDENCE and OFFICIALLY REGISTERED DATA to all the appropriate Canadian Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Above document: Officially filed, unauthorized 25 Willow Cres., eviction Order. (Court evidence)

Above document: Forged, by Ontario Civil Servant Brad Calverley, Ontario Superior Court Order, was used by the Government employee and his partner, to force-fully remove us Seniors out of our legally occupied residence, five days before Christmas's eve. (Court evidence)

According to official FILED documents our illegal eviction from our house 25 Willow Cres. never happened.

We are contemplating to initiate and advertise for a Class Action Suit for damages against the Province of Ontario and the County of Simcoe. 

Brad Calverley was an employee of the Province of Ontario for over 28 years. He impersonated the Sheriff, an Official of the Municipality of Simcoe County for many years.

In addition, Calverley ILLEGALLY authorized during most of those years many Superior Eviction Court Orders. He then, knowingly that the Orders were INVALID and FORGED, used them as they were authentic to illegally, and in some cases forceful evict citizens of the Municipality of Simcoe County.
The Ontario Government and the Administration of Simcoe County were informed with documented evidence of those criminal activities committed by Brad Calverley and the physical, mental, household belongings and monetary damage it cost to the citizens of Simcoe County.

As of today, April 27/2021, the Province of Ontario and the Municipality of Simcoe County have failed to recognize their responsibility to their Citizens and REFUSED to rectify or deal with the past criminal activities and following damages in their jurisdiction of which they have full knowledge of. 

This document, above, was illegally singed, authorized and used by Brad Calverley, an Ontario Government Employee, to force-fully remove us Seniors out of our only residence and house, on Dec. 19/2011.    

Issued and signed by Brad Calverley. He is not and never was the Simcoe County Sheriff. This forged Superior Court Order was USED to force fully evict us seniors out of our mortgage free and legally occupied retirement home.  

This, above, document was signed by the Ontario Government employee Brad Calverley using his other signature. 

unused and unauthorized Court Order was the only eviction Order for 25 Willow Cres., (our house) FILED in the Barrie's Sheriff's office. (Entered into Court evidence by County Simcoe Crown Attorney Minns.) The certified Copy was obtained from the Sheriff's office three years after the illegal eviction.


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