
Showing posts from May, 2019

7) Mockery By Ontario Government Of Canadian JUSTICES

Up-dated July 1/2020: Our residence 25 Willow Cres. was in the Guardianship of the Ontario Government. With the help from Ontario Police the house was illegally and force-fully acquired and used by criminals for money laundering.                Superior Court official transcribed                       Superior Court official transcribed  According to the Canadian/Ontario Rule of Law 25 Willow Cres. should have been transferred by the Province of Ontario out of there  temporary ownership  4 years ago to the rightful owner Ingeborg Guettler. How-ever, 25 Willow Cres. was stolen through title fraud  from the Province of Ontario/s  temporary ownership  in December 8/2010. From that day on 25 Willow Cres. is used by Ontario Lawyers for money laundering. (Over $ 2.000,000 changed hands)  As of today, July 1 /2020, the house which is held in TRUST by the Ontario Government is still illegally  occupied and not as required by Law, transferred to Ingeborg Guettler. Ontario Government

8) $ 568 000 Mortgage On A House Which Was Purchased Same Day For $ 450 000

Updated with new documents Nov 21/2021  Without  a valid title search  the Bank of Nova Scotia registered a $ 568 000 first mortgage on December 9th, 2016, against, 25 Willow Cres. The property was purchased same day (Dec. 9/2016) by Maureen and Milton Pacheco for $ 450.000. In addition, the house was purchased by the Pacheco's  with no down-payment  on Dec.9/2016 $ 450.000   This ilegall transaction was completed one day before the new Ontario Forfeited Property Act became law on Dec. 10/2016. Illegally registered in Barrie Ont. Land Register Office # 51 on December 9th, 2016.  To steal a senior's mortgage free property in Ontario all you need to get are accommodating ruthless "Professionals" which will "adjust" and create the necessary documentation for the illegal transfer and Land Registration on stolen properties . Our house, 25 Willow Cres., was illegally sold in four money laundering transaction. The last transaction was for $ 450 000 on D