7) Mockery By Ontario Government Of Canadian JUSTICES

Up-dated July 1/2020: Our residence 25 Willow Cres. was in the Guardianship of the Ontario Government. With the help from Ontario Police the house was illegally and force-fully acquired and used by criminals for money laundering.      

         Superior Court official transcribed 

          Superior Court official transcribed 

According to the Canadian/Ontario Rule of Law 25 Willow Cres. should have been transferred by the Province of Ontario out of there temporary ownership 4 years ago to the rightful owner Ingeborg Guettler.

How-ever, 25 Willow Cres. was stolen through title fraud from the Province of Ontario/s temporary ownership in December 8/2010.

From that day on 25 Willow Cres. is used by Ontario Lawyers for money laundering. (Over $ 2.000,000 changed hands) As of today, July 1 /2020, the house which is held in TRUST by the Ontario Government is still illegally occupied and not as required by Law, transferred to Ingeborg Guettler.

Ontario Government has full documented knowledge of all the illegal money laundering transactions of the property, including the last one December 9/2016. 

On that date, Ontario owned property 25 Willow Cres. was sold for $ 450,000 and then purchased same day, December 9/2016, for $ 568,000 with no down payment and a registered $ 586,000 mortgage from the Bank of Nova Scotia.

The Ontario Government was constantly informed with documented evidence (over 220 official documents) of all illegal matters regarding 25 Willow Cres.

It is not enough to close the Ontario Government for five months to do damage control. 

It is not enough to demote Ontario's Attorney General Caroline Mulroney (who was personally informed of the matter) and replace the Economic Development Minister Todd Smith.

Both Ministers and their Ministries were responsible to address and rectify the proven, by the Courts, title fraud, money laundering and illegal gained possession of 25 Willow Cres.

 June 2015 Revenue Canada cleared all issues regarding 25 Willow Cres. and verified that the file is closed as of that date.

 In December 8/2010 the property known as 25 Willow Cres. by law owned by the Province of Ontario, was transferred and registered, with-out a title search, by Ontario licensed lawyer Ephraim Fiksel,  in a bogus power of sale transaction from Sheldon Barris, who did not own the property, to his company Jorlee Holding LTD (100% owned by disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris) for $535,000.

Registration document of fraudulent land transfer 
   There is no attempt by the Ontario Government to rectify there previous, four years, disregarded sense of responsibility and duty to us Canadian Seniors

A forfeited property becomes Crown (Government) property

Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel's bogus Chelmarc Holding Corp paper company filing document.

Government responding document to Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, dated November 25/1999. Pointing out incorrect, missing corporation filing information of the by him created Chelmarc Holding Corp. PAPER COMPANY with a MAILBOX ADDRESS.

Documented and officially registered timeline of the illegal events relating to the property known as 25 Willow Cres.

Due to contradicting forged filing documentation by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, my wife Ingeborg Guettler's Chelmarc Holding Corp. was dissolved by the Ontario Government on April 13/2006.

 On that date, April 13/2006, Chelmarc Holding Corp. property 25 Willow Cres. was vested in to and owned by the Ontario Government. (Ont. Land Tax Act, 2006)

Without any notification or knowledge to and by the Ontario Government or Ingeborg Guettler, 25 Willow Cres. was sold in a bogus power of sale trance action from disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, who did not own the property, to his own company Jorlee Holding INC.

Without a title search (25 Willow Cres had no registered mortgage or other dead registered against the property) lawyer Ephraim Fiksel registered the fraudulent $ 535,000 transfer at Land Transfer Office 51 in Barrie Ont. 

As of today July 1/2020 (Canada Day) the ILLEGAL obtained house is still withheld from the lawful owner Ingeborg Guettler.

This is despite ALL the proven official documentation and Court evidence given to all pertinent officials including: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, Ont. Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique over the years.        



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