
Showing posts from May, 2021

111) Prime Minister Trudeau Emerged As A Pompous Self-Serving Hypocrite.

Updated June 27/2021: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interest is not Canada or its Citizens. All of his political activities not only suggest but proves that he is only self- promoting for political profit.   Published, Oct. 17/2020 in the Associated Press " Trudeau: Canada won't stop calling for human rights in China." You, Mr. Prime Minister and other elected Government members were informed by Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Canadians for over 50 years, of major ongoing human rights violations and brutal elder abuse in Canada against us Seniors.  You and your Staff were given the  opportunity ( your office received thousand's of documents)  to fully inform your-self of the documented human rights atrocities being committed here in Canada against Seniors. But then you are way to  busy playing nice and important Guy to Malala Yausafzai, a Pakistan National. She is a   foreign activist. (  rights for  Girls education.) Malala got shot in the face by the Taliban on h