111) Prime Minister Trudeau Emerged As A Pompous Self-Serving Hypocrite.

Updated June 27/2021: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interest is not Canada or its Citizens. All of his political activities not only suggest but proves that he is only self- promoting for political profit.

 Published, Oct. 17/2020 in the Associated Press "Trudeau: Canada won't stop calling for human rights in China."

You, Mr. Prime Minister and other elected Government members were informed by Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Canadians for over 50 years, of major ongoing human rights violations and brutal elder abuse in Canada against us Seniors. 

You and your Staff were given the opportunity ( your office received thousand's of documents) to fully inform your-self of the documented human rights atrocities being committed here in Canada against Seniors.

But then you are way to busy playing nice and important Guy to Malala Yausafzai, a Pakistan National. She is a  foreign activist. ( rights for Girls education.) Malala got shot in the face by the Taliban on her way to school. Resulting in a facial flesh wound. 

You, Mr. Prime Minister, seen the opportunity for political profit and elevate the non Canadian girl  to World-fame. 

There was no Canadian Governmental reason that you presented her in the Canadian House of Comments to speak.

You, the Canadian leader, dramatized the situation and brought  Malala on to the World Stage were she later (2014) received the Nobel Peace price.

There are many Canadian activist who got insured in fighting fore a cause or other related activities.  I never heard or read of any insured Canadian activist  being invited by the Canadian Prime Minister and was allowed to speak in front of the full Canadian Parliament.

 Another foreign little activist Girl, Greta Thunberg, an environmental activist, who were helped by you Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada,  on to the World stage. 

 Her Parents and Grandfather  were actors, so it is in her blood to be a performer. 

The 16 year old foreign Girl managed to get a private audience with Canadas Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. 

This official meeting was held, against protocol, in the Prime Ministers office without the presence of the   Swedish Ambassador.

We Canadian seniors, in our 80's, have lived and worked fore over 60 years in Canada. We helped build Canada and its prosperity. We earned our Government's and Prime Minister Trudeau's, attention. *

Reported by the Toronto Star Nov 9/2017

"Hundreds of people waited in line Saturday at Peace by Chocolate-whose sweets have been touted by non other than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau-for the grand opening of its new factory in Antigonish"

Read more:

Syrian refugee says family's chocolate business shows value of Canadian 'openness'

Trudeau shares refugee family's chocolate business story in UN speech.

Justin Trudeau gives lift to Syrian refugee family's chocolate business



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