
Showing posts from November, 2023

143) Syncred Solid And Warm Human Suitable And Appropriate WINTER HABITAD

Haiti house project is also suitable fore Canadian homeless population were-by a Removable , (After the Canadian Winter) small, clean and reusable private accommodation fore groups of 4 homeless Human soles. We, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler Canadian 70+ Seniors became homeless through Crime. The brutal home stealing crimes where assisted by Ontario Government Employees including Senior Ontario Government Personal.   The ilegall and forceful, using forged Court Orders, removal of us Canadian Seniors by Ontario Enforcement Officials from our legally occupied Residence took place 12 years ago. On Dec. 19/2011 fife days before Christmas's eve made us "Ordinary" Canadians homeless.    (Superior Court evidence)  We Forgotten/Disrespected Canadian Seniors experience the inhuman horror of being home-less. We where ilegally removed, by Ontario Government authorities, out of our protective habitat in the middle of the "Canadian Winter." Above Court document: W

(142 ) Directed Refugees Energy To Aid The World Housing Crises

  I Arnold Guettler and my Company Syncred developed a format and part solution to Housing and Refugees crises for around the World. Refugees and other by natural disaster displaced People can exist and prosper, by working, and proudly live in a healthy human environment and productive Rutandorf Settlement any-were in the world. Above Picture: Healthy and well poised Individuals ready to be productive and earn there living.  Above picture: Haitian People displaced by the in 2010 earthquake are still with-out proper accommodation 10 years later. My hope is, that the first regular selfe-financing "Rutandorf" will be build and operating in Haiti. The need innovated assistance to boost there standard of living and economy. and not Canadian Police Officers send there by the Trudeau Government. Preferred location fore the Haiti "Rutandorf" would be Ford-Liberte.  I named it "Rutandorf" (Natur-village) a self-sustaining and self-financing Settlement based on n

141) Aboriginal Syncred Housing Model

Hurray , Syncred and Arnold Guettler is allowed, from Native Authorities, to build and present State of the Art developed insulated cementatious building material. He "Guettler" is also allowed , to demonstrate the self-build cost saving, up to 60%, solid/healthy mold free house and building Concept in Canada.  My expectation were based on the believe that senior Officials of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade, Employment, Research and Innovation would have a basic understanding of there written and defined portfolio and could evaluate my, with-out a lobbyist, presentation.    Syncred/Guettler is trying for many years having the Ontario Ford Government to accept and participate in the ( World-Wide) implementation of the in Ontario Invented and fully Developed building material and housing concepts. Syncred Material and Housing concepts are not using mold prone Drywall. CGC and Domtar Drywall manufactures due not need to be protected by the Ontario Gov