(142 ) Directed Refugees Energy To Aid The World Housing Crises


I Arnold Guettler and my Company Syncred developed a format and part solution to Housing and Refugees crises for around the World. Refugees and other by natural disaster displaced People can exist and prosper, by working, and proudly live in a healthy human environment and productive Rutandorf Settlement any-were in the world.

Above Picture: Healthy and well poised Individuals ready to be productive and earn there living. 

Above picture: Haitian People displaced by the in 2010 earthquake are still with-out proper accommodation 10 years later.

My hope is, that the first regular selfe-financing "Rutandorf" will be build and operating in Haiti. The need innovated assistance to boost there standard of living and economy. and not Canadian Police Officers send there by the Trudeau Government. Preferred location fore the Haiti "Rutandorf" would be Ford-Liberte. 

I named it "Rutandorf" (Natur-village) a self-sustaining and self-financing Settlement based on natural human activities and living needs.

To start the final step in my well researched and documented process, I cam to the conclusion ,that the researched concept has to be physically demonstrate by a full size functional and self-financing "Rutandorf" Offshore with-out Government meddling and interference. 

Above sketch indicating the out-side perimeter lined with housing and other facilitating business accommodations in serving the inhabitants and surrounding Communities.

Meaning, the secure gated Settlement will also serve surrounding communities and Tourists with health and medical assistance, including medication, building materials and many other trading goods.    

One of the most suitable over-all location I found and designated for this demonstration project is in the northern part of the Dominican Republic, bordering Haiti, Pepillo Salcedo. 

There flat "Waste-Land" ( salt deposits contamination from ocean) can be converted into, for human habitable and proactive self-sustaining independent Settlements.

A suggested 500 displaced, People/Families living, working, by producing housing and housing building material in a fully gated "Rutandorf" community.

 Manufacturing companies and supply-stores owners will be invited to set up "shop" in the gated Rutandorf Settlement. There the can safely and economically produce, import/export and sell much needed Syncred-plus building material products locally and into the World-market.

 As a sample, CGC or Domtar can locate factories in Rutandorf locations and start replacing mold-prone uninsulated drywall production with Syncred mold resisting and sound-prove insulated inside wall and celling coverings.

Picture above: Fully developed production machinery for the superior ( healthy, insulated) Syncred building materials. This machine can extrude panels (up to 30 ft. a minute).   

Picture above: 150 ft. production and material setting line allows for the pic-up and stacking the panels on skits at the end of the line.  

Above picture: Staked energy saving insulated Syncred panels ready to be shrink rapped and delivered anywhere in the World. 

Above picture: Installation of premanufactured sound proof Syncred panels.

Above picture: Finished, with Syncred insulated and sound proving panels ceiling.  

 In addition, Domtar or CGC can start manufacturing, in Rutandorf Settlements, outside insulated cementatious Syncred panels, replacing uninsulated plastic siding and other out-side inferior housing material World wide.

Pictures above: Upscale house with installed energy saving Syncred panels and decorative moldings. 

Above pictures: In Ontario manufactured and applied/installed insulated Syncred out-side panels.  

For whatever reason, I was not allowed or able to Professionally conduct my housing manufacturing business in Ontario/Canada. My well-operating International and National house-material producing enterprise was ilegally interfered with (Espionage) and has being ilegally stopped by Canadian Professionals and Government Civil Servants.  

In order to be able and utilize my global housing achievements, I have to take my invented and fully developed "state of the art" production machinery for building materials and housing concepts out of my adopted HOME LAND CANADA.

 Pepillo Salcedo was considered, by me, because of the geographical location and my previous encounters and consultations with the Dominican Republic cooperating business world and Government Authorities.

Above picture: Syncred Business meeting in Boca Chica, D.R. Ramara Ontario Major Bill Duffy and Boca Chica Major/Alcalde.  

 The location has a protected deep-water harbor (Puerto de Manzanillo) with access to World Ocean and markets. 

The under utilized Port is close to the the Syncred manufacturing Rutandorf hub and is ideal for there World  export trade.  

To finance the Rutan-Dorf demonstration project, I will approach benefitting and interested Entities including Countries with overburden Refugee presents for a $ 16,000.000 one year loan.  The loan will be repaid from revenue collected by Syncred license manufacturers operating in the Settlement and from other service related Businesses there.    

 Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Government have full knowledge of the in Ontario invented and fully developed superior save building material and healthy housing concepts fore many years. 

He, Premier Ford, is also aware of a immediate solution to address the unprecedented housing dilemma in Ontario.

The Ontario Government has also practical and physical knowledge of the devastating health risk drywall has on Ontario, Canada and World population.

  So why was the large scale production of the better and heathier house construction material in Canada/Ontario and many International Countries sabotaged and prevented from being implemented.   

ONTARIO Premier Ford maneuvered, with political finesse, to "convert" part of protected Green Belt into housing development land fore his privileged big time developers (1.200 000 with-in 10 years)

We, Citizens of Ontario, should accept and appreciate that. How-ever Premier Ford and his Government is also responsible for the underprivileged Ontario Population to give them the opportunity for affordable housing.        

Mr. Ford, should  take a page out of Bramalea/Ontario history. There the Authorities provided to there Citizens the opportunity for affordable housing by offering, leasing land with option to buy at a sett prize ($ 6.000). 

So Mr. Ford could you and your Government adopt the format, designate and lease to own, part of the Ontario Peoples/Crown former land ( Green belt) to build there affordable habitat. 

My Company Syncred and I, provided you and your Government the concepts and materials, made in Canada/Ontario to made it possible for Individuals to build a economical healthy habitat. Documented in my blog ( 135 Volksheim, Peoples Home.

Instead of supporting Syncreds logical efforts for affordable housing and healthy cladding replacing mold prone drywall ,you and the Ontario Government continue to use 25 Willow Cres. (our by the Ontario Government ilegally obtained and for over 11 years ilegally retained residents, (blog 3) to pressure me into giving up of producing in Canada/ Ontario superior cladding, replacing mold prone inside drywall and outside mold prone shipboard. 

Above picture: Able workers seeking a way to make a living in another Country.  

Being rejected in Ontario and ilegally obstructed from manufacturing healthy mold resisting building material ( raiding my 44.000 Ontario factory using forged Court Order blog 84- 95) I decided         to manufacture assemble Syncred housing and supply the World-Marked with Syncred housing and Syncred materials from secured facilities offshore. (blog 58)  



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