
Showing posts from August, 2017

72) Paper Company, Incorporated By Ephraim Fiksel Was Used For Money-Laundering

The Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario) is a self regulating "lawyers union." Their "regulating" actions displaying only a self interest.  The Law-society of Upper Canada received written complains from Ingeborg Guettler with over 40 pages of fraudulent  documented evidence.  The official documents proved that the property, 25 Willow Cres., owned by Chelmarc Holding Corp,   was stolen,  illegally registered and used for money laundering by Ontario Law Society, still (April 12/2020) registered lawyers Ephraim Fiksel and Robert Zigler.   The crossmark on top of the document was afixed by the Law Society. (received copy back through the appeal process)     There was no recognition by the Law-society or the Ontario Government Appeal Commissioner of any wrong doing by Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, Case No: 2012-108232 and Lawyer Robert Zigler, Case No: 2011-100774.  They dismissed the complains.    Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, fraudulently fil

73) Title Fraud And Money laundering By Ontario Lawyers

Updated Oct. 19/2023:  My, Arnold Guettler's, Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. and Mesron Corp. Corporations' values were official evaluated by KPMG at            $ 30.000,000.  Ontario registered lawyer, Ephraim Fiksel, ATTEMPTED to take control of Chelmarc Holding Corp. He, Fiksel was under the wrong impression that my, Arnold Guettler, inventions and technology rights would be willed into my wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp.  Ontario registered lawyers Ephraim Fiksel, Robert Zigler and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, embezzled, in a conspiracy, Chelmarc Holding Corp. real estate properties from the Ontario Government on Dec. 8/2010.     Due to contradicting filing data supplied to the Ontario Government by Fiksel (wrong incorporation Nr. 138015) the Ontario Government closed Chelmarc Holding Corp. in 2006. All Chelmarc Holding Corp. real estate properties were vested into and owned by the Ontario Government in March 13/2006, including our ( Ingeborg and Arnol

74) The Highly Payed "Professionals" KPMG & ERNEST& YOUNG

Updated March 8/2022: In business, if you are hones and obey  the law in Canada or Ontario you end up in Jail. The   accredited professionals you hire and pay (over $ 200,000) to advise, direct you and your business, wont stand up for you and there payed work. The just wisel away. This published, in the IE international magazine and world-wide internet article a lie's and fabricated libel nonsense. Guettler at all -  and Ontario Security Commission matter  were non  criminal   incidental procedural infractions. In addition: I was not arrested I was not required to surrender There was no warrant for arrest and committal issued against me. My companies and I did not raise $ 2 million from the sale of shares and promissory notes. $ 1.2 million were collected from international sold technology license and trade agreements.  $ 800,000 were legally collected from over 40 companies employees, business partners and there relatives. I offered to return all the $ 800.000 leagal private p