74) The Highly Payed "Professionals" KPMG & ERNEST& YOUNG

Updated March 8/2022: In business, if you are hones and obey the law in Canada or Ontario you end up in Jail. The accredited professionals you hire and pay (over $ 200,000) to advise, direct you and your business, wont stand up for you and there payed work. The just wisel away.

This published, in the IE international magazine and world-wide internet article a lie's and fabricated libel nonsense.

Guettler at all - and Ontario Security Commission matter  were non criminal incidental procedural infractions. In addition:

I was not arrested

I was not required to surrender

There was no warrant for arrest and committal issued against me.

My companies and I did not raise $ 2 million from the sale of shares and promissory notes.

$ 1.2 million were collected from international sold technology license and trade agreements. 

$ 800,000 were legally collected from over 40 companies employees, business partners and there relatives.

I offered to return all the $ 800.000 leagal private placement investments to the companies employees, relatives and there friend's.  

Ontario Security Act, part XXII Enforcement: No person or Company is guilty of any offence under clause (1) (a) or (b) if the person or Company as the case may be, did not know and in the exercise of reasonable diligence could have known.             

Neo-Form Corporations, I and the companies full-time in house Lawyer, Richard Leighton, followed all of KPMG, ERNST & YOUNG, Sara Lane security lawyer, Suleman Rashid chartered accountant, payed advise and instructions.

 In addition Mike Quinn and Dona Livingston of KPMG were hired to make a complete Audited statement, costing $ 40.000, for my Companies Neo-Form and Neo-Form Nord America in order to establish the private share value of my Companies.  

After an "official" complain by Cinapri and his conspirators, KPMG made a second "payed" audit having the same results then in the first audited statement.

Claudio Cinapri made a one man complain to the Ontario Security Commission. He was not a share holder or partner in the companies. Cinapri and his "friends "used the OSC to bankrupt my companies in order to take over the building material and production technologies.

There is documented evidence of a conspiracy by Claudio Cinapri and his group to take over Neo-Form building technologies and its established world wide markets.     

Ontario Security Act Part XXII ENFORCMENT: No person or company is guilty of an offence under clause (1) (a) or (b) if the person or company, as the case may be, did not know and in the exercise of reasonable diligence could not have known. 

Not knowing those legal facts at that time and with-out any resources I was forced to defend my Companies and my-self in Court against the  Ontario Security Commission. 

 What I experienced in Canada/Ontario as a Canadian entrepreneur is illegal and brutal. ( cruel, vicious and savage) Why would anyone want to be an entrepreneur in Canada/Ontario? Except if you are a new Refugee.   

 In most Countries inventions and new developed technologies are considered as an economical benefit and enrichment for there society.

Laws and Protection for those national developed treasure's are paramount and should be a priority for any Government.  

Therefore it is in the interest of every Country to encourage, assist and protect such undertakings. The only financial assistance we have in Canada is the research and development tax rebate, which is assets and paid after the completion of the project/invention. In my case it took eight years, to get some research money refunded from the Government. 

So in the meantime money has to be raised for the development of the idea/invention. Government Agencies and Banks will not advance or lend any money for research and development. Believe me I went to all of them. I didn't even get the $ 50,000 from IRAP-Industrial Research Assistance Program, Peter Ramsey, representative from the NRC-National Research Counsel.

With the advise from hired and payed "professionals" I and my Companies collected $2.000,000.

$ 1.280, 000 of the money was collect from national and international markets by selling technology license. ( previously posted blog: The Efforts Of Individual PRIVATE CANADIANS ) 
 $ 800,000 were collected by legally issued Companies private Placement Certificates. Those Certificates were drafted and issued by financial and legal accredited well-payed "Professionals"    

 This collected $ 2.000,000 amount was confirmed and published on the world wide internet by the Ontario Security Commission, after there forensic accounting investigation. The investigation also verified " NO UNUSABLE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES" sworn evidence in court proceedings given by Ms. Rema Pilipavicius, head investigating accountant of the Ontario Security Commission. 


According to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development audit by the National Research Counsel my company Neo-Form paid $ 2.080,000 for qualified research and  development.

Those Government detailed audits confirmed that, ALL $  2.080, 180.00 collected money by Arnold Guettler and his companies, was used for qualified research and development, in the world unique, building materials and production machinery.

The Ontario Security Commission willfully and without authority, interfered and stopped the implementation of those newly, in Canada, developed technology's, in Canada and other license Countries. 

Former Premier Michael Harris illegal ( without legislated authority) privatized the Ontario Security Commission in September 1997. 

 For all the dedication and hard work from my Wife, Co-Workers, Partners, Investors and myself, over the many years, we deserve better. We archived the impossible. Not the American but the Canadian dream. All for nothing.  

What I experienced as a Canadian entrepreneur in Canada is brutal and unexplainable. Why would anyone want to be an entrepreneur in Canada, except if you are an refugee?

Reported on March 13th 2017 in the Toronto Star, Assam Hadhad, a Syrian refugee, was not even a year in Canada and was running a "thriving business and has been struggling to keep up with orders since EARNING a shout out from Prime Minister Trudeau at an address to the United Nations. Trudeau even had a chance to sample some maple-shaped treats up on meeting the chocolate maker during a trip to Sydney, N.S. last November".

My Wife and I are over a half century Canadians in Canada and being a positive part of building Canada and its prosperity. WE EARNED the attention of our Governments and their leaders.

 Over the years we supplied the Governments and there Agencies with documented evidence of the illegal interference including industrial espionage.

The willfully criminal interference and conduct by Ontario Government Agencies, their employees and engaged professionals, prevented the implementation of thousands of created good paying manufacturing jobs in Ontario, Canada and Neo-Form license other Countries around the World.           

 We did not got any corresponding reply back from Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Wynne, Attorney General Naqvi and Minister Brad Duguid

The Forgotten Canadians. 






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