73) Title Fraud And Money laundering By Ontario Lawyers

Updated Oct. 19/2023: My, Arnold Guettler's, Neo-Form Corp., Neo-Form North America Corp. and Mesron Corp. Corporations' values were official evaluated by KPMG at            $ 30.000,000.

 Ontario registered lawyer, Ephraim Fiksel, ATTEMPTED to take control of Chelmarc Holding Corp. He, Fiksel was under the wrong impression that my, Arnold Guettler, inventions and technology rights would be willed into my wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

Ontario registered lawyers Ephraim Fiksel, Robert Zigler and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, embezzled, in a conspiracy, Chelmarc Holding Corp. real estate properties from the Ontario Government on Dec. 8/2010. 

 Due to contradicting filing data supplied to the Ontario Government by Fiksel (wrong incorporation Nr. 138015) the Ontario Government closed Chelmarc Holding Corp. in 2006.

All Chelmarc Holding Corp. real estate properties were vested into and owned by the Ontario Government in March 13/2006, including our ( Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler) only retirement home. 

Ingeborg Guettler's duly registered Chelmarc Holding Corporation, correct incorporation Nr. 1380015 was canceled in error by the Ontario Government on April 13/2006.

 Properties owned by the Company were automatically vested in to and owned by the Ontario Government. 

Ephraim Fiksel, Ontario lawyer, in a fraudulent conveyance, stealing Chelmarc Holding Corp. properties from the Ontario Government.

In arrow he documented changes of the Corporation and sent them to the Ontario Government using the wrong original incorporation Nr.138015. "Legal Structure: Private Corporation Ontario Corporation No. 138015." 
Ingeborg Guettler's authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp. No. is 1380015.

Above shown contradicting document send by Ontario lawyer Ephraim Fiksel to the Ontario Government was the only reason why the Government canceled the authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp.in 2006 and vested the properties into the Ontario Government. 

The authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp. was 100% owned by my wife, Ingeborg Guettler. Mailing address, Head Office and Place of business was duly registered with the Ontario Government
 as 25 Willow Cres. Ontario.

All applicable taxes were payed by Chelmarc Holding Corp. Proper accounting was send to Revenue Canada in timely fashion. Detailed and documented information are posted in blog 3 "Open Letter to the Hon. Ontario Minister Lisa Thomson."          

Addressed to Ephraim Fiksel and sent to his mail-box office Suite 5. Ontario Government reply letter pointing out the incorrect Chelmarc Holding Corp. Incorporation No. 138015

Attempted unauthorized changes of Chelmarc Holding Corp. by Fiksel were:

1) Staff: Ephraim Fiksel solicitor. Chelmarc Holding Corp. President and 100% owner of the Corporation Ingeborg Guettler did not know Fiksel in fact she never has seen him. This was verified in Orillia Court in the year 2014, before witnesses, when he interduces himself to me, Arnold Guettler and my wife Ingeborg Guettler.       

2) Stated by Fiksel in the document, above, which he sent to the Ontario Government. "Head Office: 8929 Weston Road Suite 5 Woodbridge Ontario L4L 1AG."This Corporation Office and mailing address is a mailbox in a storage facility.   

3) Stated by Fiksel in the same document, above, "Princ. Place of Bus.:"8929 Weston Road Suite 5 Woodbridge Ontario L4L 1AG." This principal Place of Business is a mailbox in a storage facility.  

As of today, March 8/2022: 25 Willow Cres. IS STILL VESTED into the Ontario Government and illegal occupied. 

 According to the records (July 18/2015) of Revenue Canada, the Chelmarc property WAS NEVER SOLD.    

25 Willow Cres. was bought, October 2003 by Chelmarc Holding Corp, President and sole shareholder was Ingeborg Guettler.

  25 Willow Cres, was mortgage free from 2007 until the illegal power of sale from Sheldon Barris (who did not own the property) to his company Jorlee Holding INC. for $ 535, 000

                                   According to the Ontario Corporation Profile Report, Chelmarc Holding Corp. Ontario Corp. Number 1380015, was cancelled on April 25/2006, by the Ontario Government. 

This Power of Sale, on Lakeshore Rd. property, was never executed or registered (Land Register Office # 51)

Ramara Lakeshore Rd. property was purchased by Chelmarc for the purpose of research and development of building materials.

Purchases price was $ 90,000. Mortgaged and later discharged.

Sheldon Barris issued to Chelmarc Holding Corp. a " Notice of Sale Under Mortgage" dated July 12/2010. Stated principal Amount outstanding, on 25 Willow Crescent, as of July 4/2010 was $90,000.

There was no Mortgage registered against the property 25 Willow 
Crescent on July 12/2010. (Land Register Office # 51)

There was no Chelmarc Holding Corp. on July 12,2010. The Corporation was dissolved on April 25/2006. (Ontario Corporation
Profile Report)

The property, 25 Willow Cres., was sold, (participating lawyers on record, Ephraim Fiksel and Robert Zigler) through fraudulent "Power of Sale" and registration procedures, from Sheldon Barris to his own company Jorlee Holding LTD, for $ 535,000.00. (Land Transfer Tax Statements)  

Why did the, by Sheldon Barris, hired lawyers Fiksel and Zigler not conducted a mandatory title search, before the property was transferred by them? Sheldon Barris never owned or had registered title to 25 Willow Cres. (Land Register Office #51) 

The Liberal Ontario Government ignored the Rule of Law? For over six years, all levels of Government were constantly informed of all the illegal transfers of 25 Willow Cres. 

The present Progressive Conservative Ontario Government, including Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney were informed IMMEDIATELY of the criminal elder abuse after they were elected.

The have full knowledge of all the circumstances relating to the unbelievable injustice, we seniors endured over seven years. As of today, Oct. 19/2023: 25 Willow Cres., is still illegally occupied and used for money laundering. 

The ilegall optained possessing with the help of Ontario Government Personal) is still enjoyed by unlawful occupants 
Where is the RULE of LAW for us CANADIANS?




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