
Showing posts from January, 2018

60) Ontario Provincial Police: Part Of Her DUTY Kicking A Innocent Senior is NORMAL. .

Updated June 10/2024 An old (70 plus) Canadian was brutaly assaulted and injured by Ontario Police Officer Wild. The Police attack was so severe that I, Arnold Guettler, had to be transferred by ambulance to the Orillia Hospital. SIU "Special Investigation Unit" legislated mandate is, to be notified and investigate any Police involved injury that results in admission to a hospital.  In my Police assault case, there was no report or investigation to or by the SIU. The criminal incident was completely covered up by the Authorities.         In Canada the law still exist, in theory (conception) A PERSON IS INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY in a Court of Law. In her own Court Testimony Ontario Police Officer Kimberly Wild, stated: "IT IS NORMAL" for Police Officer's while preforming there "DUTY' s " to  INFLICT PAIN,   kicking a innocent 70 year old senior, five- six times. Brutal behavior by Ontario Police Officer enforcing their OWN FABRICATED LAWS.

61) Due Process Of Law Illegally Denied.

Hilda Van Beek, (resigned) a judicial secretary working for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General in the Court House in Barrie. She  DELIBERATELY with-held filed Court documents and written Court correspondence from Justice Guy P. DI Tomaso. Hilda Van Beek INTENTIONALLY WITH-HELD from the Ontario Superior Court, (Judge Guy P. DI Tomaso) a 156 page Motion Record, dated for Feb. 11, 2015 Court File Nr.14-1021  Hilda Van Beek INTENTIONALLY WITH-HELD from the Ontario Superior Court, ( Judge Guy P. DI Tomaso) a 177 page Responding Motion sworn by me before Com. Kyle Schertzer on Jan. 29/2015 Court File Nr. 14-1021 A letter by me, Arnold Guettler, addressed to Hon. Judge Guy P. DI  Tomaso dated July 27/2015, was also illegally with-held from the Court, by Judges Secretary Hilda Van Beek.  Court proceedings would PUBLICLY   REVEAL the illegal enforcement's by BRAD CALVERLEY.  ( resigned ) He was an Employee of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General for over