60) Ontario Provincial Police: Part Of Her DUTY Kicking A Innocent Senior is NORMAL. .

Updated June 10/2024

An old (70 plus) Canadian was brutaly assaulted and injured by Ontario Police Officer Wild. The Police attack was so severe that I, Arnold Guettler, had to be transferred by ambulance to the Orillia Hospital.

SIU "Special Investigation Unit" legislated mandate is, to be notified and investigate any Police involved injury that results in admission to a hospital. 

In my Police assault case, there was no report or investigation to or by the SIU. The criminal incident was completely covered up by the Authorities.   
  In Canada the law still exist, in theory (conception) A PERSON IS INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY in a Court of Law.

In her own Court Testimony Ontario Police Officer Kimberly Wild, stated: "IT IS NORMAL" for Police Officer's while preforming there "DUTY's" to INFLICT PAIN,  kicking a innocent 70 year old senior, five- six times.

Brutal behavior by Ontario Police Officer enforcing their OWN FABRICATED LAWS. We Seniors were forcefully removed from our legally occupied home.

OUR home, 25 Willow Cres., and only residents was STOLEN through Title Fraud by "dishonest" lawyers from the Ontario Government

Possession of our home and only residents was forcefully and illegally taken from us by Brad Calverley, a Ontario Government Enforcement Officer. 

He, Brad Calverley, used as authority for the 25 Willow Cres. eviction of us, Canadian Seniors, a by him forged and ilegally enforced Superior Court Order. (Superior Court evidence) 

This, above, evidence was entered in to Superior Court by Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns.

To conceal his crime, Ontario Government enforcement Officer did not file his executed FORGED court order. What was filed was an unauthorized and unsighted Order. This Order was also entered into evidence by Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns.   
So, according to official filed/not filed Court documents, their was no eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler at 25 Willow Cres. on Dec. 19/2011. 

The preferred prey in TITLE FRAUD are Seniors. The laws are there to protect Society from title fraud. How-ever Seniors have no chance to defend against the highly skilled, seasoned dishonest Lawyers.

Lawyers don't fight against lawyers, the compete against each other for money. It is REGULATED that the "earn" there hourly rate, WIN or LOOSE. We layman (persons) are simply a COMMODITY, SOMETHING OF USE.        

 The enforcement of the Rule Of Law, as demonstrated in our circumstances are non existing. The disrespect and lack of dignity towards us Seniors from the authorities are appalling. We are been fighting for over 12 years to get our, by the Ontario Government, stolen house back. And this in Canada!!!   

 I suffered a massive panic attack and was transported by Ambulance to the hospital. Police Officer Wild, testifying in court, "it wasn't a Heart Attack.      

Ontario Provincial Police Officer Kimberley Wild, kicking me, a 70 year old senior man, five-six times (court evidence). 

Video of man kicking a cat, leads to charge.( reported by the Tor. Star 2018-01-11)

The Toronto Star, Jim Rankin, refused to publish our story. How-ever reporting the mistreatment of a cat was more newsworthy then the physical and painful mistreatment by Ontario Police of us Seniors.  

  We are an elderly couple in our 80th. We were tortured and forcefully removed out of our legally occupied mortgage free home.

The physical and mental trauma inflicted by Ontario Police Officer Wild was so severe, that I encountered a panic attack and was transported in an ambulance to the hospital in Orillia. ( Court evidence )

Superior Court evidence proved that we where victims of tile fraud and elder abuse.

The Superior Court Eviction Order was forged and enforced by Brad Calverley. He is an employee of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General and not the Simcoe County Sheriff.

Ontario Police Officer Kimberley Wild has not being charged with any offence in this incident, and is still working for the Ontario Government as a Law Enforcement Officer. 

Ontario employee Brad Calverley has not being charged with any offence or any other related criminal offences in his illegal actions against us Seniors.  

Hours before the brutal attack and illegal forced removal from our residence by rooky (two years in the police services) Officer Wild. I visit the Orillia Police Station and presented our case with a "large package of documented evidence" to the other rooky (two years in the police service) Police Constable Kate Zubrickas. ( Court evidence )

"It sounded like mortgage fraud in the opinion of the police call taker." ( Court evidence)

 # 13167 Zubrickas K. General Occurrence Report "He was extremely upset. He stated that he was a victim of mortgage/title fraud and presented the Officer

Included in the package of documents, was given to the police were:

Ontario Land Register Office #51  

Bogus Power of Sale and Land Transfer documents were registered on title by crooked lawyers, Robert Zigler, Ephraim Fiksal and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris.

Superior Eviction Court Order, forged and enforced  by Ontario Government employee Brad Calverley, on Dec. 19/2010. Not filed document used for the eviction!

Above: Officially filed, in the Sheriff Office, document. This certified, July 29/2014 document was unauthorized and never used. 

According to filed not filed official documents, there never was an eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. on Dec. 19/2011.



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