61) Due Process Of Law Illegally Denied.

Hilda Van Beek, (resigned) a judicial secretary working for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General in the Court House in Barrie. She DELIBERATELY with-held filed Court documents and written Court correspondence from Justice Guy P. DI Tomaso.

Hilda Van Beek INTENTIONALLY WITH-HELD from the Ontario Superior Court, (Judge Guy P. DI Tomaso) a 156 page Motion Record, dated for Feb. 11, 2015 Court File Nr.14-1021 

Hilda Van Beek INTENTIONALLY WITH-HELD from the Ontario Superior Court, ( Judge Guy P. DI Tomaso) a 177 page Responding Motion sworn by me before Com. Kyle Schertzer on Jan. 29/2015 Court File Nr. 14-1021

A letter by me, Arnold Guettler, addressed to Hon. Judge Guy P. DI Tomaso dated July 27/2015, was also illegally with-held from the Court, by Judges Secretary Hilda Van Beek. 

Court proceedings would PUBLICLY  REVEAL the illegal enforcement's by BRAD CALVERLEY. ( resigned ) He was an Employee of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General for over 28 years. 

The Ontario and Federal Governments where constantly informed by us over the years, of the MASSIVE criminal activities by there Public Employees.

 A second long-time employee of the Ontario Court Services Department, Hilda Van Beek, has RESIGNED, shortly after it was reported (with documented evidence) to the Canadian Judicial Counsel, that the Ontario Government is directly INTERFERING in DUE PROCESS OF LAW.   

This letter confirmer's that the documents ADDRESSED to the Hon. John Gerretsen, Attorney General of Ontario, were INTERCEPTED by a Civil Servant, Susan Charendoff. She is the Director of the Ontario COURT Service Division. 

Susan Charendoff, Director of the Ontario Services Division Illegally "INFORMED" herself by INTERCEPTING  a communication package.

The INFORMATION package was delivered through the Government Mail Services, and PERSONALLY addressed to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Attorney General of Ontario, dated February 13/2012.     

Hilda Van Beek RESIGNED her longtime Ont. Government job shortly after documented evidence of ABUSE of PROCESS was send by me to Norman Sabourin, Executive Director of the Canadian Judicial Council. CJC File 15-0331 ( 15-0248)


A Statement of Claim No. 14-1021 was filed in Barrie Ont. on September 5/2014 by Arnold Guettler (Plaintiff) against 16 Defendants.

On December 29/2014 James Klein, lawyer for 6 Moving Parties issued and filed a 156 pages, all day, Motion for February 11/2015.

I served all 16 defendants and filed a responding 177 page  Motion on January 29/2015 for the on February 11/2015 set Court date.

The Motions were postponed three times. The first time in front of a Judge, were I was present, on February 11/2014. The other two with-out a Judge and with-out my consent.(documented facts.)

On July 16 2015, Ontario Superior Court Justice Guy P. Di Tomaso dismissed MY Claim with-out seeing the two large Motions, which were filed by the Defendants/Plaintiff,  and with-out allowing me to PLEA MY CASE.   

The fundamental Canadian Constitutional Human Rights of DUE PROCESS OF LAW were and still are being DENIED to us.      

Forged Electronic land transfer and Mortgage where Registrations in the Barrie Land Registration Office # 51 by Ontario licenses lawyers six years ago. Those crimes were reported with documented prove same time, six years ago, to the authorities, including the Ontario Attorney General.

Using forged Superior Court Eviction Orders and forged Land Title Registration, Seniors in their 70th were force-fully evicted from there lawfully occupied home, six years ago.             

Above: Only eviction document filed, by Ontario Government enforcement Officer Brad Calverly is the unauthorized eviction Order for 25 Willow Cres. ( Court evidence)

According to filed registration records, the eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. on Dec. 19/2011, never happend.

Uncontrolled unscrupulous  lawyers (previous posted and reported in blog73: Title Fraud And Money Laundering By Ontario lawyers, Nobody Cares) 
 Officially Filed/Registered, BOGUS Documents, by lawyers, in our case, well seasoned, highly educated and trained crooked lawyers. The in Ontario practicing lawyers Ephraim Fiksal, Robert Zigler, James Klein and disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, committed in a conspiracy criminal FRAUD. The participated knowingly in the fraudulent title transfers of the property 25 Willow Cres.

In there unlawful actions, the crooked lawyers defrauded the Canadian and Ontario Governments, Ingeborg Guettler and her unsecured Creditors. 

The stolen property was also used by the Professionals for money laundering. ( previous posted blogs: Government Tolerating Money Laundering and Money Laundering with a property Legally vested (controlled) to the Government)

The Bank of Nova Scotia has also being defrauded of more then a   half a million dollars. The mortgaged a illegally obtained house. 

From the Dictionary: Unscrupulous, unprincipled refer to a lack of moral standards or conscience to guide one's conduct. The unscrupulous person is without scruples of conscience, and disregards, or has contempt for, laws of right or justice with which he or she is perfectly well acquainted, and which should restrain his or her actions.

Unscrupulous is a methods of making money in taking advantage of the unfortunate. With other wort's, the unfortunate's are the people who have moral standards or conscience to guide there conduct. 

The unfortunate people are the one's who obey and respect the rule of law. The one's who helped build this Country, the Seniors who rely on the Government to control and enforce the laws which is  there to protect them from professional vultures who are preying on the less knowledgeable general public, specially the very vulnerable older Canadian citizens.

The property and possession of 25 Willow Cres. was illegally obtained, over six years ago. As of today, May 8 2018, the property is still illegally occupied and registered. All levels of Canadian/Ontario Governments and their Agencies have full detailed documented knowledge, including Court evidence and official registration records. ( previous posted blog: The Government Working For Us? )

Who, in the Canadian Governments is fighting or attending to our Canadian in Canada, Human Rights ?           




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