
Showing posts from March, 2018

57) Thousands Of Created Jobs, Lost In Canada/Ontario And Other International Countries

Industrial and economical espionage assisted by a Ontario Agency and personal from the Canadian Federal and the Ontario Provincial Governments.   The Ontario Security Commission a perfect and preferred tool for blackmail. Claudio Cinapri used it and destroyed the livelihood of thousands of people in Canada/Ontario and other international countries.       C laudio Cinapri, was a private individual, who was not a share-holder or partner  in the Neo-Form Corporations. He "persuaded" the Ontario Security Commission to openly start an official investigation on Neo-Form Corporations and Arnold Guettler. One, not financial or legally involved Person , managed to get the OSC involved in a conspiracy which closed two research and development companies down. T wo million $ were spend, over six years, to make this venture fully operational and ready for the established, national and international markets.   The illegal and malicious, world-wide false  published interference by the

58) A Combined Effort, Common Sense, Thinking Out-Side The Box And Pioneering GUTS.

Updated March 4/2022: Self-Financing accommodations for Refugees and other displaced "Populations."   Rutandorf Concepts will give homeless people the "opportunity" to become "pioneers" in a for human suitable and live-sustaining, fully functional  prepared and self-financing gated biosphere. Looking at the, news paper published, "Refugees Pictures" most Refugees have the physical ability to work. Private business and export markets can benefit from a local Rutandorf "labor force."  This Rutandorf concept is intended to start a PRIVATE CREATED "win-win " solution for Countries, flooded with displaced refugees and for the suffering home-less population NOW.  Basic historical human understanding and human practical "Diagnostic/characteristic Tools" have been fully developed and WAITING TO BE IMPLEMENTED.     We don't need computer generated graphical UNHCR Diagnostic Tools, and 92 operations with 121 Plan