57) Thousands Of Created Jobs, Lost In Canada/Ontario And Other International Countries

Industrial and economical espionage assisted by a Ontario Agency and personal from the Canadian Federal and the Ontario Provincial Governments.  

The Ontario Security Commission a perfect and preferred tool for blackmail. Claudio Cinapri used it and destroyed the livelihood of thousands of people in Canada/Ontario and other international countries.     

Claudio Cinapri, was a private individual, who was not a share-holder or partner in the Neo-Form Corporations. He "persuaded" the Ontario Security Commission to openly start an official investigation on Neo-Form Corporations and Arnold Guettler.

One, not financial or legally involved Person, managed to get the OSC involved in a conspiracy which closed two research and development companies down. Two million $ were spend, over six years, to make this venture fully operational and ready for the established, national and international markets.  The illegal and malicious, world-wide false published interference by the OSC damaged and cost Canada/Ontario economy hundred's of  millions $ in revenue and thousands of jobs.    

In a private Neo- Form Corporation/Neo-Form Nord-America share-holders meeting I, Arnold Guettler president and 80% majority share -holder of both company was confronted by Claudio Cinapri, a visitor and non share holder. He stood up and stated, that he and his group are in agreement to take over the Neo- Form Companies and pay me 20% of the value for my companies. ( Court Evidence)

In front of an estimated 80 private shareholders I replied " if you want some-thing from me, you have to earned it. I don't give in to blackmail". Mr. Cinapri smirked and stated " we will see"

Claudio Cinapri and his company Forefront was hired by my company Neo-Form to build the Dream-Home at the Toronto Exhibition. His company Forefront received from Neo-Form in  access of $ 450.000 for the labor of the main-structure.( Court evidence) 

A further $ 100.000 were provided and paid to Forefront by the Home-chow management and the Toronto Star.(Court evidence)

All inside finishing and decorations of the Dream-Home including kitchen counters, marble counter tops, all flooring material and installing labor, were donated. ( Court Evidence)

The Maine Structure material ( Neo-Form Panels for floors, walls and roof were provided by Neo-Form at no cost. (Court evidence)

All Windows, outside stucco and moldings, labor and material were donated.(Court Evidence)

In turn, Companies which donated products and labor for the Dream-Home, received the advertising rights for there products at the home show and in the newspapers.  




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