58) A Combined Effort, Common Sense, Thinking Out-Side The Box And Pioneering GUTS.

Updated March 4/2022: Self-Financing accommodations for Refugees and other displaced "Populations."  Rutandorf Concepts will give homeless people the "opportunity" to become "pioneers" in a for human suitable and live-sustaining, fully functional  prepared and self-financing gated biosphere.

Looking at the, news paper published, "Refugees Pictures" most Refugees have the physical ability to work. Private business and export markets can benefit from a local Rutandorf "labor force." 

This Rutandorf concept is intended to start a PRIVATE CREATED "win-win " solution for Countries, flooded with displaced refugees and for the suffering home-less population NOW.

 Basic historical human understanding and human practical "Diagnostic/characteristic Tools" have been fully developed and WAITING TO BE IMPLEMENTED.  

 We don't need computer generated graphical UNHCR Diagnostic Tools, and 92 operations with 121 Planning Groups to create a 2030 "GOAL" 

No donations are needed or accepted. The $16 million US cost for  the first  200 acre 500 people settlement will be raised by private business operators, purchasing and managing the manufacturing and assembly facilities, located in the Rutandorf Settlement.

 Retail stores and other businesses will be sold and managed by private business entrepreneurs who are willing to set up "shop" ( manufacturing)  in a protected Rutandorf. (Previous Blog: Rutandorf A Self-Sustaining Community for 500 Refugees-displaced People.)

Most Settlements evolving in-to Cities in Nord America, started with a private Trading Post. Those Trading Post's sold/traded goods from other Countries for local produced/gathered goods. 

This was the start of international trade in Nord America. (Hudson Bay Company)   

The first Rutandorf business Enterprise will have first right of refusal for the same purchase price on the next 5 Rutandorf Settlements.    

The Rutandorf located business entrepreneurs will receive from the Syncred parent corporation and related Business Partners, manufacturing license rights and guarantied buy/sell contracts.

Export marketing of the Rutandorf manufactured products, including full housing assembling could be assisted by foreign markets with special import tariffs. In return Rutandorf Settlements would provide relocation facilities for stranded refugees in their Countries.

Each accepted (explained in previous blog: Suggested Practices and Rules in the Rutandorf Community) person/family will receive a parcel of land. Suggesting 50 ft by 60ft lots.

 A 20 ft. basic steel container mounted on Foundation Helical- Piles above local flood levels. A tent will be made a-waivable to place in front of the structural unit for temporary living accommodation's. 

This is the financial arrangement for the displaced population: $2 down payment and a 1% mortgage. ( 5 year term)

The occupants of the basic container can improve their living quarters over the years (5years limed) by adding and customizing there habitat. Materials can be obtained at cost, from inside the settlement and payed with extra labor (overtime). 

Construction instructions will also be given by Members of the Rutandorf International Volunteer Core. ( retired construction workers currently "living" in old age homes.) 

Concept idea is to attract retired workers to supervise construction activities in the Rutandorf development for three days a week and enjoy four days of Caribbean retirement living with local assisting. 

Displaced refugees can go back to there Country or Community and use their gained knowledge and training to help improve the living condition and local economy in those Communities.

 If the Settlers choose to go back to there home-land after a time period, the can sell the homestead back to the Rutandorf Community. The where given the means and encouragements over the years to improved their Home Stead in the Settlement and add value to their property. When the sell there property the should have a tax free profit, which the can take back to there former home Country. 

This earned money, gained knowledge and skills, would give the former refugee a good base to help build/rebuild their own Country or Community and economy.    

The Settlers, former displaced refugees, will be empowered and given the opportunity to enrich their lives by them-self's. The Rutendorf concept, allows the inhabitants to exist and prosper.

How much the increase the value of there property is up to the individual person. How-ever there will be time limits set to improve the individual Home Stead from a basic container and property/land, to a self-sustaining Home Stead according or be-on local standards.

If the local standards are not met, in the prescript time, the necessary improvement work will be preformed by contractors and cost added to the mortgage at a higher mortgage rate.

The forgoing statements are my personal basic ideas and have to be discussed, adjusted and approved by authorities in the Host Country. There Laws, Rules and Customs are paramount. 






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