
Showing posts from November, 2021

(115) House Known As 25 Willow Cres. Embezzled And Illegal Retained By The Ontario Government

Up-dated: Dec.12/2021. Attention Hon. Minister Ross Romano! There must be some very sinister and self-serving reasons, why the Ontario Government is refusing to obey and comply with the legislated Rule of law for over six years!   You and any normal thinking Canadian, who has knowledge of our unprecedented ordeal and agony we endure in Canada/Ontario over the past 10 years, must be thinking that this would be impossible in Canada. China maybe but not Canada.  There has to be an end to this physically and mental torture that the Ontario Government has inflicted on us, 80 + seniors.    We helped build this former great Country, for over 60 years.   There has to be a immediate undertaking by the Ontario Government, to rectify our unjust and relentless cruel situation, inflicted by your Government.  25 Willow Cres. was  unlawfully vested by the Ontario Government into the ownership of the Ontario Government on Apr. 13/2006. ( evidence info in blog 3) After a full investigation by Re

114) Immigrants/Refugees Coming to Canada Before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Up-dated March 16/2022: Before Justin Trudeau's time, Canada accepted qualified immigrants or refugees into the country to help Canada grow and evolve into a stronger  productive society. Picture above: Is me living in a temporary habitat with my wife and two infant children at the new acquired mortgaged property. I had a full time job (many times double shift) my wife worked on the weekend. In our "spare" time we, my wife and I, started working on our permanent house.  This was not without discrimininating actions against us newcomers. No local exuviation contractor would dig the basement area of our 2.000 qf house out.  So we, and many many others in the same situation, did not run to the authorities and cried discrimination-injustices. Mister Prime Minister help. Hold big speaking engagements and convince the Canadian people to except us and give us Canadian rights we didn't earn yet.  No, we helped our self. In our spare time at nights with the lights from our