(115) House Known As 25 Willow Cres. Embezzled And Illegal Retained By The Ontario Government

Up-dated: Dec.12/2021.

Attention Hon. Minister Ross Romano!

There must be some very sinister and self-serving reasons, why the Ontario Government is refusing to obey and comply with the legislated Rule of law for over six years! 

 You and any normal thinking Canadian, who has knowledge of our unprecedented ordeal and agony we endure in Canada/Ontario over the past 10 years, must be thinking that this would be impossible in Canada. China maybe but not Canada. 

There has to be an end to this physically and mental torture that the Ontario Government has inflicted on us, 80 + seniors.  

We helped build this former great Country, for over 60 years. 

 There has to be a immediate undertaking by the Ontario Government, to rectify our unjust and relentless cruel situation, inflicted by your Government. 

25 Willow Cres. was unlawfully vested by the Ontario Government into the ownership of the Ontario Government on Apr. 13/2006. ( evidence info in blog 3)

After a full investigation by Revenue Canada were-by the cleared all wrongly summitted documented issues by Ontario Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel in his attempt to take control of Chelmarc Holding Corp. and closed the file in June. 2015. 

Chelmarc Holding Corp. was completely exonerated and cleared of any wrong doing  Jun. 2015. (more documented info in blog 3)

At that time, June 2015, the Ontario Government, who had  ownership of 25 Willow Cres. since Apr. 13/ 2006, were obligated  to undue all unlawful registrations of 25 Willow Cres. and transfer the property to the right-full owner Ingeborg Guettler. 

Why was that, by law, required undertaking not don by the Ontario Government? 

On Dec. 19/2011 five days before Christmas-eve, we seniors were brutal taken out of our legally occupied residence. 

Brad Calverley, a Ontario Government Civil Servant, tock  forceful  possession of 25 Willow Cres.. 

He, a uniformed public paid Civil Servant used a, by him,  forged Superior Court Order to force fully remove us Canadian Seniors out of our legally occupied  house. This premeditated criminal action was executed, by the Ontario Government employee, five days before Christmas-eve.

We Canadian/Ontario, at that time 70+ Senior Citizens, were brutaly and illegal removed out of our only Habitat. 

We were given refuge in our neighbor's heated garage. There we were sleeping on a piece of foam placed on the concrete floor. O Canada!!!

Document above: Registered, by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, bogus Power of Sale of 25 Willow Cres. transaction from Sheldon Barris, who did not own the property to his 100% owned Jorlee Holding LTD.

There was no, by law required, financial accounting provided for this Power of Sale transaction. 

By Fiksel forged and to the Ont. Government summitted document.

Verified Oct. 25/99 received by the Government forged document from Fiksel.

As of that date, Jun. 2015,  25 Willow Cres. property should have been taken out of the Ontario Government ownership, which the temporary assumed Apr. 13/2006, and transferred to the lawful owner Ingeborg Guettler by the Ont. Government. 

How-ever 25 Willow Cres. was already stolen from the Ontario Government and fraudulent registered on Dec. 8/2010 by Ont. lawyers Fiksel, Barris and Ziegler.

Above: Officially documented and registered 
fraudulent land transfer statement of the criminal theft of 25 Willow Cres. from the Ontario Government who owned the property till  Dec. 8/2010.

In a conspiracy of organized crime, the three Lawyers Barris, Zigler and Fiksel illegally appropriated 25 Willow Cres. property from the Ontario Government.

With the help of Civil Servants (Ont. Government Employees)  25 Willow Cres. was then used by the partners in crime for money laundering. $ 2.000,000 changed illegally hands. 

Banks were openly defrauded. On Dec. 9/2016 ( one day before the new law enacted) 25 Willow Cres. was sold for       $ 450.000 to Maureen and Milton Pacheco. 

Same day, Dec. 9/2016 a $ 568.000 mortgage, from the bank of Nova Scotia, was registered against the house by Maureen and Milton Pacheco. ( more info in Blog 8)

Those fraudulent registrations ( land transfer, mortgage) on 25 Willow Cres. were executed one day before the new Forfeited Corporate Property Act was enacted on Dec. 10/2016. 

I guess the timing of this last illegal transaction with 25 Willow Cres. was a calculated undertaking by the, from there Government lawyer friends, informed partners in organized crime.

On December 10.2016, the Forfeited Corporate Property Act (the "FCPA") and numerous amendments to the Ontario Business Corporations Act (the"OBCA") will come into force. These  rules will impose new record-keeping requirements on Ontario corporations, new liabilities on directors and officers, and a shortened timeframe for the recovery of forfeited corporate property. The new and amended legislation will constitute a significant departure from the current law, and as such, it is important that corporate owners, directors, and officers understand how their duties, obligation and liabilities are about to change.

Hon. Ontario Minister Ross Romano, you are a Lawyer and a Politician, and as such you have the qualification and authority to oversee and control the human (Civil Servant) activities of your Ont. Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

In addition it is your sworn duty to respect the legislated law and serve the Ontario People. 

 You were assigned and accepted the responsibilities as Minister of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

 I assume that Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique informed you of the horrendous crisis, regarding 25 Willow Cres. situation we, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, Ontario Seniors endured over the last 10 years. 

All facts of the unprecedented ordeal are explained with documented and legal Court evidence posted in my 115 segments blog.   HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/ 

As of Nov. 28/2021, it seams that you or the elected Ontario Government shows no interest in rectifying the criminal activities, unlawful occupation and illegal by the Government retainment of 25 Willow Cres..

In case that the Ontario Government file Nr. 966804 or any other documented information on 25 Willow Cres. has not been made available to you or incomplete I will provide you and the public with an accurate time line and verified facts, including court evidence, from documents secured in Germany. 

1) Chelmarc Holding property 25 Willow Cres. was wrong-fully vested into and owned by the Ontario Government on Apr. 13/2006. (more info in blog 3)

There was defiantly a serious communication arrow committed by the Government's in 2009, three years after Chelmarc Holding Corp. was dissolved by the Government. 

 Fore almost 10 years Canadian/Ontario Governments, there Agencies and Personal were constantly informed with documented (officially registered and Court evidence) of the criminal errors committed by them regarding 25 Willow Cres.

Fully informed (of the unlawful committed crimes against us Seniors and 25 Willow Cres.)  Governments, Agencies and there Employees including: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Ont. Premier Kathleen Wynne, former Ont. Attorney General's John Gerretsen, Yasir Naqvi, current Doug Downy    

Chelmarc send and received regularly tax statements. Some of the tax statements were reassessed by the Government with credits to Chelmarc. (blog 3)

 All correspondence from Canada Revenue were received and send to Chelmarc Holding Corp. authentic, with the Government's, registered address 25 Willow Cres. Ontario.


 2) Ontario Government correspondence to us stated over and over, that the take-over in 2006 of Chelmarc Holding Corp. by the Government was do to tax violations. This is a fabricated lie by the Government. (Blog 3)

3) My wife's Chelmarc Holding Corp. was canceled by the Government in 2006 because of contradicting and wrong data supplied by Ont. Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel in his take over attempt. 

4) This document, above, was send by Fiksel to the Ont. Government in an attempt to gain control of Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

5) Above: F
alsified and forged documentation by Ontario license and still practicing Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel.

6) Lawyers Ephraim Fiksel, Robert Zigler and Sheldon Barris, were under the impression, that all my technology wrights, corporations and established world-wide markets,   officially valued at $ 30.000,000 by KPMG, would be transferred into Chelmarc Holding Corp.

7) This created an interrelated situation were-by 25 Willow Cres., owned by my wife's Chelmarc Holding Corporation and by me owned Neo-Form Corporations were used, by white color Canadian/Ontario criminals, fore money laundering and espionage 


More International established markets by my Neo-Form Corporation's and me are partly documented in blog 43 77 78 92

Lawyers Barris, Fiksel and Zigler were not the only people who were interested in illegally acquiring/stealing my invented and fully developed building materials and large scale production machinery technology.

Further references of the direct involvement in espionage and conspiracy by Canadian and Ontario Professionals, Civil Servants and Politician's are documented in my blogs: 82, 83, 84

Documented and Court evidence presented in my blogs makes it more than obvious, that there is a combined overriding principle regarding the illegal retainment of 25 Willow Cres.. 

The Canadian/Ontario Government and numerous Civil Servants have participated in the attempt to gain illegal access and illegal control of my inventions, developments and established world-wide markets. 

And my, by KPMG officially evaluated  $ 30.000,000 value of my invented and fully developed building material's and large scale production machinery. (Blog 70)

Also included in the $ 30 million evaluation is the by Neo-Form Corp. and me established world - wide markets.  (Blog's 77, 78, 80, 92)
This blog will continue




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