114) Immigrants/Refugees Coming to Canada Before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Up-dated March 16/2022: Before Justin Trudeau's time, Canada accepted qualified immigrants or refugees into the country to help Canada grow and evolve into a stronger productive society.

Picture above: Is me living in a temporary habitat with my wife and two infant children at the new acquired mortgaged property. I had a full time job (many times double shift) my wife worked on the weekend.

In our "spare" time we, my wife and I, started working on our permanent house. 

This was not without discrimininating actions against us newcomers. No local exuviation contractor would dig the basement area of our 2.000 qf house out. 

So we, and many many others in the same situation, did not run to the authorities and cried discrimination-injustices. Mister Prime Minister help. Hold big speaking engagements and convince the Canadian people to except us and give us Canadian rights we didn't earn yet. 

No, we helped our self. In our spare time at nights with the lights from our Volkswagen. We, my young beautiful wife and I, dug the 2.000 qf  4 ft deep basement out by hand, sweat and a lot of determination.

It took us a little over three months. (in our spare time) But we did it. We were proud and it earned us same respect from our Canadian neighbor's.     

Unqualified immigrants/refugees were not accepted regardless of the circumstances. Pity and kindness by previous Canadian Government was not an option. 

 As we, Ingeborg, Arnold Guettler and our two kids, came to Canada in 1961, we had to qualify to be accepted. This meant that we had to have a clean documented police record, health certificate and a learned trade certificates for each of us, my wife and I. 

If we or any other immigrants moving into Canada could not pay the fare, the Canadian Government would provide the money fore the fare.

However, if the Canadian Government provides the fare, the immigrant or family had to work at a Government designated place to fill a labor shortish. (Farm, Lumber Mill, Mine,Fishery, etc..) until the, from the Canadian Government, loaned money was paid back. 

We were able to pay our own fare ( from the pay-out of my wife's German pension deductions) and move to Toronto, Ontario. 

There I worked as a house wrecker for Tepperman for $ 1 an hr.. My wife found a job as a waitress and dishwasher.

 After awhile in Toronto we were able to buy a 10-achre parcel in Albion township for $4500. Most of the money was borrowed from the Household Finance company.

That same summer our family put up a tent and we moved into it. We got our water from a little Creek which flowed through the property. Fore a toilet we built a little out-house. 

This was our first action to settle down and become a productive part/entity in Canada. However this was not without the usual human reactions from the long time land owners and Canadians who are living in this aria

Some of the farms in this area were divided into ten acre lots and sold to "outsiders."  We, my wife and I were very young, in  our early twenties and Germans. 

We, foreign Germans were not welcome with  open arms into there established society and recent memory didn't help eider.

The farmer across the road lost two sons in the war against Germany. It was a natural reaction, seeing as young Germans, about same age as his two dead sons, living and prosper in his community, not liking us. 

We Germans were discriminated in Canada because of reason history. We had to live with it. We are the one's who decided to resettle in Canada.

We immigrants integrated in to a harmonious Canadian culture over the years. We practice our birth homeland culture and religion at home, designated Churches, Clubs and other cultures gathering places. We new, not jet Canadians navigated our-self in to Canada's existing population, in a respectful and thankful manner.

I believe that many religions are misused by local "authorities as a persuasive enforcer of culture, rules and human control.         

 This blog will continue




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