82) Canadian Ambassador to Cuba, Keith Christie, escorted out of Cuba by Cuban outhorities.

Letter to Canadian Ambassador in Cuba, Keith Christie, dated June 28/1999. 

Mr. Ambassador, I am appalled that you and your Embassy associate yourself with these people and companies and become directly involved in organized crime and money laundering in Cuba.

 Neo-Form/Arnold Guettler building material invented in Ontario/Canada was illegally manufactured and used in Cuba.  

The money that your cousin, Gordon Christie and Polygal-
Casaforma Construction Inc. used in Cuba, was illegally brought into Cuba by Mr. Gordon Christie and his former lawyer Jeffery Burns in cash.

Added later and not in the letter. 
Canadian Bay Street lawyer Jeffery Burns was later convicted in the US for money laundering and cocaine trafficking. (Reported in the Toronto Globe & Mail)

Continue with the letter.
It is a well known fact in Cuba, that you and the Embassy are directly involved in helping and promoting Gordon Christie's enterprise. His company's, Polygal and Casaforma were in-active Canadian paper companies. 

What concerns me even more, as a Canadian Citizen and Businessman, is that the Canadian Embassy and their allies are exploiting the Cuban people who are struggling to build an economy in the face of so many other adversities. The misuse of
power, position, and influence to satisfy their greed and for their own personal gains is disgusting.

To make matters even worse, you and your Embassy went so far as to communicate though the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs a request for information concerning Neo-Form Corporation in Cuba.

Text of the letter will continue six paragraphs down on this page.  

I received a copy of the Cuban reply to Canadian Embassy diplomatic note, March 12/1999, from Canada foreign affairs in Ottawa. Brian Hood, Canadian Counsel in the Department of Foreign Affairs.  For typed pages, in Spanish, of fabricated lies and libel accusations against me and the Cuba Neo-Form Corporation.

Mr. Hood send me a copy of the "original", reply of the Diplomatic note witch he received from the Canadian Embassy in Cuba. 

The Cuban Diplomatic reply note hat no letter head, no signature and no seal or stamp. It was a  manufactured faked document.

I had a personally meeting with Orlando Alvarez, Cuban, Director for North America, Foreign Affairs Minister. He stated that, the Cuban Government never received a diplomatic note, from the Canadian Embassy regarding Neo-Form or Arnold Guettler.

I gave Mr. Alvarez the Diplomatic Note Reply to read. He took a copy and stated: THAT THE CUBAN GOVERNMENT DID'D COMPOSE OR SEND THAT REPLY NOTE to the Canadian Embassy.          

Continue text from the letter to Ambassador Keith Christie.

At this time, you knowingly withheld from them the facts, that a full investigation on Neo-Form's dealings in Cuba had been done by the Cuban legal authorities.

This investigation, as you were informed by, Daniel Gonzales Reyes, District Attorney for the province of Havana, reported no wrongdoing whatsoever by Neo-Form Corporation or Arnold Guettler in Cuba.

Here again, you and your associates used and misled Cuban Authorities create a very libelous letter against Neo-Form Corporation and Arnold Guettler, in an attempt to cover up your illegal activities. This was also to try to force Neo-Form Corporation and me out of Cuba.

I have been told that the Cuban authorities are investigating this now international incident and will severely punish the people who
are trying to illegally interfere in the dealings of Cuba and Neo-Form Corporation.

As the Cuban law clearly states, heavy jail terms are immanent
for third parties found guilty of interfering in business dealings
between other parties.

Unfortunately Mr. Ambassador, you have diplomatic immunity
and the worst that can happen to you is your expulsion from Cuba.

On behalf of other honest Canadians, and myself I am deeply ashamed that an Ambassador such as you is representing us in this
foreign Country. With all my sincerity, I hope that the Cuban authorities will realize that there are still honest Canadian business
people trying to due business in their Country.

Letter dated June 28, 1999 and copy to: Carlos Lage Davila, Orlando Alvarez and Camilo Garcia Lopez.

Later that Summer Gordon Christie tried to commit suicide and shortly thereafter his cousin, Canadian Ambassador, Keith Christie was expelled, by the authorities from Cuba.

This massive cover-up by the Federal and Ontario Governments to
hide the criminal activities by Canadian civil servants is not only appalling, but it is damaging the economy and the implementation of tens of thousands of jobs.

The industrial and economic espionage and cover-up was and still is depriving the livelihood of people in Ontario/Canada and our biggest trading partner America, and other involved countries around the World. (previous post: Established Worldwide Markets Destroyed)





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