84) Government Tolerated Industrial and Economical Espionage.

Up-dated March 12/2022: If you don't let the big "boys" control "as a gift" your successful inventions and follower- up international business deals, you are out. Blackmail is the "Game." Police and other Government will help out. Provide them, (Police and other Government enforcement personal) with forged Court Orders, the do the rest.

Rule of Law is irrelevant to Ontario Police or Law-Enforcement-Officers. The haven't got a clue. But
they have the authority. If you survive you are lucky, don't ask for justice. 

Governments don't help, they only do damage control and promise you some candies at election time. (If they are elected) I should know, over the last six years. I supplied them with in-disputable Court and official registration evidence, that would convict and jailed numerous people in other Countries which are governed by the Rule Of Law.             

Government assisted industrial and economic Espionage
was reported with documented evidence to all levels of Canadian Governments and Authorities constantly over the years, including the RCMP (Canadian Federal Police)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne going to China on Trade Missions, while not only ignoring but help sabotage the in Canada invented and developed building technology, which would, if allowed to be implemented, provide thousands of manufacturing export jobs, in Canada/Ontario and other involved (technology licensees) Countries around the World. (Previous published blog: Established Worldwide Markets Destroyed)        

As mentioned in a previously published blog A Country Without Law & Order, Neo-Form Corporation's research and development machinery and technical documentation were stolen out of a 44,000 sq ft research facility using a forged court order and illegally engaging Government officials.

Personal from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General and police with drawn guns, took control of the research facility and guarded the illegal removal of highly confidential research equipment and documentation.

Most of the stolen research equipment, including computer stored building material technology, documentation and machinery ended up in Latin-American Countries.

At the same time, Enzo Calisi was working as regional manager of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade with Ontario Government, (between 1992 to 1996).  During this time, Enzo Calisi had ongoing marketing consultations with Neo-Form Corporation's staff and me, Arnold Guettler.

·       In his capacity, (working for the Ontario Government) Enzo Calisi, assisted Neo-Form with plans to transfer and marked Neo-Form's technology into Latin-American Countries.  Mr. Calisi in his capacity was present at numerous meetings, which Neo-Form had with delegations from, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

·       Enzo Calisi had full knowledge of the Neo-Form technology and marketing strategies, and as a Regional Manager of the Ontario Government, he had the duty to hold his knowledge in strict confidence.

·       Right after the very successful Neo-Form Dream-House Display, at the National Exhibition in 1996, Ontario Government Manager Enzo Calisi was granted a two-year leave of absence by Al Palladini the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

·       During his leave of absence, Enzo Calisi worked as a private building material Adviser/Consultant for numerous Canadian Companies, operating in Cuba, Peru and other Caribbean and South American Countries. 

·       S.P.L. Polygal INC, was incorporated in Ontario 1996, by Toronto Bay Street Lawyer Jeffrey Burns. The President of Polygal is Luiz Carlos Gaspar, a Brazilian citizen.

·       According to an Ontario Ministry of Commercial Relations Corporation Profile Report Polygal has no ongoing business in Ontario/Canada has no registered GST number, no employee's deduction number and has no provincial taxation number. Registered address, Ontario Lawyer Jeffrey Burns office, 488 Huron Street, Toronto.

·       Enzo Calisi was the Adviser/Consultant for the in Cuba operating companies including Polygal, Casaforma, Advantec. In 1998 those companies illegally manufactured the Neo-Form invented building material.

·    The industrial and economic espionage was reported in a five-page letter to inspector Jean Dube of the RCMP in Ottawa, April 1999. All level of the Canadian Governments were informed and there is still an ongoing cover-up by the authorities to protect the criminals in their own ranks.

                               Fig 1. Neo-Form material technology was used in a high-rise construction building in Havana 

Fig 2. Illegally produced Neo Form and material stored and used for the high rise in Fig 1.

Fig 3. Second image of illegally produced Neo Form material for the high rise in Fig 1.

Neo Form technology was used in Cuba illegally with the help of Ontario government employees. The Canadian ambassador Keith Christie, which can be referenced in the following post: (Letter to Canadian Ambassador Keith Christie) He was a leading and prominent figure in the industrial espionage.


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