81) Job Creation And Implementation Stopped By Sloppy Politics

There is no enforcement by Ontario Government Agencies in technology theft. In proven facts, Government Employees and Agencies were actively involved in INDUSTRIAL and ECONOMICAL ESPIONAGE. 

 Proven Facts: Numerous forged Court Orders went through the legal system undetected. Those bogus Court Orders where enforced by Ontario Law enforcement Officers. The forcefully  (using a forged Court Order) illegally removed  all research and development contence from Neo-form 44.000 qft. research and development facility.                    

Patrick Brown MPP for South Simcoe and former Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader and previous MPP Garfield Dunlop for our ( Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler ) riding, had full knowledge of the disregarded MANUFACTURING EXPORT JOBS, CREATED IN ONTARIO.

The also were informed of all the illegal activities witch prevented the implementation of thousands of JOBS in Ontario/Canada.    

Illegal interference by Ontario Government's regulated enforcement personal, and there agencies prevented the implementation of thousands of jobs in Canada, America, Europe and other Countries around the World.( previous posted blog: Established World Wide Markets Destroyed) 

#1 Ontario Security Commission, was an illegally private operating Agency in 1998. Without legislated authority the OSC started an investigation, on Neo-Form corporations and Arnold Guettler. Illegally identifying themselves as the OSC an Ontario Crown  Corporation, publicized on the world-wide internet.  

The illegally operating OSC used the name, credentials and authority of an Ontario Crown Corporation to gain access to bank accounts and highly confidential international $ multi-million technology licensing contracts information. 

Privatized by former Premier Mike Harris, the Ontario Security Commission forfeited their Government's legislated status and authority, in September 1997.  

Document above: Used for espionage, forged Court Order. 

Document above: Verification that for espionage used Court Order was forged.

#2 With a forged Superior Court Order, Neo-Form 44,000 qf research facility was raided using Ontario Government personal to authorize and guard the illegal removal all contence.  (Previous published blog: A Country Without Law&Order)

Forged Court Order by Police was used to raid and confiscate confidential recording research and development documentation for espionage purposes. 

#3 Using another unauthorized and forged Court Orders a 6,000 qf video and editing studio and storage facility was raided. Authorized and supervised by Police Officer Angelo DeLorenzo. He forged the invalid Court Order. (Previous published blog: 12 Member Five Day Jury Trial) 

#4 Police laying unfounded fraud charges in Orillia. Destroying the Haiti Relive Housing Project. (Previous publish blog: Final Attempt.......Part Two)

#5 In 1998 Enzo Calisi took a two year sabbatical from his position as Regional manager for the Mexican& Latin America International Business Unit of the Economic Development and Trade with the Ontario Government. 

The Ontario Government employee, Calisi and his Canadian co-conspirators were actively involved in Industrial and Economic Espionage. There criminal actions were damaging the economy and labor markets of Canada, America, Europe,  and numerous other Countries. ( previous published blog: Industrial and Economical Espionage)

For Media inquiries email: alfonsarnold36@gmail.com







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