65) There Actions Were Definitely Not "In Interest Of The Public"

Ontario Security Commission illegally engaged themselves in INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE. By doing so, the actively damaging the Canadian/Ontario and other, by Neo-Form license Countries, around the World.  


Letter from the Ontario Security Commission Counsel Derek J. Ferris to Richard Leighton, in-house lawyer for Neo-Form Corporations, dated March 5th. 1997. " The issuance of shares by NFC and NFNAC should be undone and all monies returned to the investors." 

Reply letter from Mr. Leighton, dated March 6th 1997. " I would like to address the matter of returning monies ($ 800, 000.00) to the ( private placement) investors. I have attempted to start discussions on this topic in January.

For what ever reason the OSC changed their mind and started to prosecute Neo-Form Corporations and Arnold Guettler.

 Result of this unexplaineble decision by the OSC was, that ALL private placement investors lost ALL of there invested monies and their ( 40 employees) jobs. 

In addition, eight years of research and development, world-wide markets and thousands of created jobs were distroyed. 

Frank Switzer and Michael Watson, directors of the Ontario Security Commission, published on July 9/2001 on the world-wide internet "Between October 18, 1994 and January 10, 1997, the Defendants ( Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corporation and Neo-Form North America Corporation) raised in excess of $ 2 million dollars from the sale of shares and promissory notes to 140 investors. 

Certified in KPMG's audited statement, Arnold Guettlers's Companies earned and received in that time period over $      1,200.000 from the sale of technology license from Individuals and Companies in Canada and other Countries. ( previous published blog: (Established Worldwide Markets Destroyed) 

This $ 1,200.00 was legally earned, conducting legal technology business transactions in Canada/Ontario and around the World.  This money was NOT RAISED from the sale of shares and promissory notes. 

The Ontario Security Commission and IE INVESTMENT EXECUTIVE Magazine knowingly published on the world-wide internet, malice's liable and fabricated LIES. 

                                      WHY ?

The other $ 800.000 were legally collected from Employees, Friends, Partners and sophisticated. ( $ 150.000) investors)
Private placements certificates were prepared by Security Lawyer Sara Lane and issued by the private Neo-Form Corporations, in compliance with the Ontario laws and regulations.       

The OSC had no legal authority to get involved, investigate or publish inflammatory libel statements and comments on the world-wide internet.  

The malicious, notorious and illegal pursue by the "Ontario Security Commission" on Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form and Neo-Form Nord America, had only one purpose to help some Individual criminals in their ESPIONAGE to steal the newly, in Ontario invented and fully developed building materials and large scale production machinery technology.

The obvious aim of the OSC were not to protect the public or Ontario investors, the were goaded in by Gangsters to become conspirators in industrial ESPIONAGE. Their illegal actions did not only damage the economy of Ontario/Canada, but also damaged the economy of numerous foreign Countries.

Previous posted in blog: Legal System is a Tool for Gangsters and blog; Established Worldwide Markets Destroyed.           

The OSC provided in their "disclosure" to the Neo-Form Company's international business partners, private investors and there devious friends. ( previous posted blog: Ontario's Legal System is a tool for Gangsters)

 All bank records, patent information, international contracts, highly confidential documents and other private information was illegally obtained by the OSC and subsequently published and made available to the international business community.

The subsequent non criminal charges against the plaintiffs by the OSC made it impossible for the Plaintiffs to conduct business.

The OSC did not published that the charges were "Non Criminal Procedural Infractions." 

The OSC did not publish that the defendant's had hired and paid hundreds of thousands of earned and private invested dollars to "accredited expert advisers" including: Mike Quinn & Dona Livingston of KPMG, Philip Forster of Ernest and Young, Sara Lane of Oglevi, Alberta Patent and Security Firm, Suleiman Rashid Chartered Accountant, in addition to the Neo-Form full-time in house Lawyer Richard Leighton.

 However the illegal operating "OSC" published on the world-wide internet " On July 2001, the Honourabl Mr. Justice Babe of the Ontario Court of Justice sentenced Arnold Guettler to 5 months in jail on each of the three convictions under the Security Act. ( the defendants were charged with 8 non criminal procedural infractions.) The sentences are to be served concurrently.

The "OSC" further published on the internet " On February 5, 2001 the Honourable Mr. Justice Babe of the Ontario Court of Justice found Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corporation and Neo- Form Nord America Corporation ( the defendants) guilty of:

(1) trading in securities, namely shares and promissory notes issued by the defendants, without being registered to trade in such securities contrary to section 25 (1) of the Securities Act.

(2) trading in such securities without having filed a prospectus contrary to section 53 (1) of the Security Act.

(3) making representations that the shares of Neo-Form Corporation and Neo-Form Nord America Corporation would be listed on a stock exchange with the intention of effecting trades in such securities contrary to section 38 (3) of the Securities Act.

(1) Explanation and facts: The defendants were not trading shares 
      and promissory notes. The private Ontario Corporations were
      issuing Private placement certificates and selling technology        license to national and international Customers/Partners    
         in accordance with the Ontario Private Corporation Rules
         and Regulations.       

      Ontario legislated Law: Private Ontario Corporation can            have up to 50 private placement certificate holders     
      (Employees, relatives, business-partners and sophisticated          investors, over $150.000 with-out informing or being
      registered with the Ontario Security Commission. I had              three Ontario Corporations. 

(2) Explanation and facts: Neo-Form Corporations and I were 
      not trading  securities, we did not have to file a prospective 
      with the OSC. Interested parties had access to a full 
      professional compiled $ 60.000 business plan.

(3) Explanation and Fax: Neo-Form Corporations and I made            full DISCLOSURE of the past, present and future   
      business affairs of the Corporations, to any-one who want  
      to be financially involved.          

My Companies and I collected legally a $ 2.000,000 from licensing and selling Ontario invented and developed building materials and large scale production machinery. In addition by private placements with an offering memorandum ( drafted by security expert hired lawyer. Sara Lane to: Employees, executive officers, directors, consultants, accredited investors, family, friends and business associates. We were NOT TRADING SECURITIES.

 The private placement funds were collected according to Ontario Laws for Private Ontario Companies.The entire  collected over     $ 2.000,000 were the combined sum of $ 1.2 million from selling technology license and $ 800.000 from private placement certificates. 

The funds, $1,530,564.00 and $ 549,616.00 were used for research and development of building materials and production machinery. (audit by the Canadian Research Counsel March 26/27 98 )

 This is ridicules and unbelievable that the "Ontario Government Agency," is allowed to have such an uncontrolled and devastating affect on the lives of us, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler.    

But the malicious, vexatious and illegal espionage conduct by the personal of the "Ontario Security Commission," also affected and damaged the economy and the livelihood of thousands of people in Ontario/ Canada and other Countries.           





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