66) Illegal Interference Damaging The Economy.

On one ( Claudio Cinapri) strategically placed complain, the Ontario Security Commission launch's an illegal International investigation and posted there involvement on the World-wide Internet. ( Court evidence)

The illegal interference from the OSC destroyed created jobs in Canada/Ontario and in other Neo-Form building technology  licensed Countries. 

Investigating the financial bank records of, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler and his Neo-Form Companies, "there were no unusual trance actions" evidence given by Ms. Pilipavicius, forensic accounting investigator for the Ontario Security Commission. ( Court evidence)

This was an unauthorized financial ( Banks and Tax records) investigation by the illegal operating OSC.         

In September 1997, the Ontario Security Commission, a Crown Corporation, was illegally privatized by the Mike Harris Government and became an independent private Agency.

All Government personal working for the Ontario Security Commission resigned their Government position and were hired by the new private Agency. ( reported by the Toronto Star October 1997)

Being made aware of the illegal situation, the Ontario Government wanted to convoluted and cover up there situation started negotiations with the Federal Government to take control and assume the responsibilities of regulating and enforcing the Ontario Security Marked.

The Federal Government rejected the amalgamation of the Ontario Security Commission into their jurisdiction, six month ago, sighting: Security Commission is a provincial responsibility. Today the Ontario Security Commission is a self-funding Ontario Crown Corporation again.

Claudio Cinapri and "friends" used fabricated false fraud accusation against me and my companies. He manage to engaged the "Ontario Security Commission" to start a full investigation into the financial and business affairs of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler and my Companies Neo- Form and Neo-Form Nord-America.

The then private operating "Ontario Security Commission" used the illegally assumed Name and Authority, to gain access without any court orders, to the bank records of my wife Ingeborg Guettler,Neo-Form Corporation, Neo-Form Nord America Corporation and my own bank records.

During their illegally conducted investigation ( published on the world-wide internet) the "Ontario Security Commission" used the obtained Research & Developed, Patent, Global marketing strategies and other highly confidential Documentation to inform   and question all globally involved Neo-Form business partners and Companies.

Even if the Ontario Security Commission were a legal operating Government Agency, Witch The Were Not, the have no business in getting involved and publicize legitimate confidential business dealings. This is INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE.

My Companies and I were NOT selling or trading shares in the security market. We were MARKETING and LICENCING our newly invented and developed Building Material and Production Machinery and we received money for it, the honest way.          

This ignorant and total lack of responsibility by the unauthorized  "Ontario Security Commission," was and is stopping the implementation of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canada, Ontario, USA, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Russia and China. (previous posted blogs: Jobs, Jobs,Jobs and Established Worldwide Markets Destroyed)




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