64) No Tears For Us Senior Canadians From Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Up dated Feb. 20/2022: Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is standing up or use his Office for anybody in the World except Canadian Seniors who helped build this "still" great Country Canada.  

The Canadian Press 10/17/2920. Quote: " Prime Minister Trudeau says his Government will not stop standing up for human rights China.

Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's official commends:
"right think to due" paying $10.5 
million Canadian tax money to convicted killer and terrorist Omar Khadr. 

The Prime Minister invited Joshua Boyle ( Omar Khadr brother in law) to his Parliament Hill office, in Ottawa for a photo session. 

The faked scam/publicity backfired on the Canadian Prime Minister and Joshua Boyle was arrested and charged  with 15 criminal accounts two weeks later. 

My wife and I, Canadian Citizens for over 50 years, were illegally and force full evicted, (court evidence ) from our residence by an Ontario employed LAW Enforcement Officer on December 19/2011.

Above document: Letter with over 800 electronic recorded documents send to the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau May 9/2016.

We Canadian Seniors didn't even get a response from the Prime Minister or his Office.

Law enforcement Officer, Brad Calverly, used for the illegal eviction of us, a by him forged Superior Court Order. (court evidence)

Above document: (court evidence) Forged and illegally enforced eviction Order.

Document above: Court verification " the Order isn't valid"

Five days before Christmas eve we were forced from our own Home. We were standing huddled on the snowy street in total disbelieve. We were refugees in our own Country, Canada.

We lived for a few days with neighbors and then moved to an industrial unit office and were sleeping on the concrete floor on top of some newspapers. First time in our lives we had no Christmas Tree or Christmas decorations. All of our over 50 years accumulated possessions were locked up in our stolen house. 

My wife and I remained in our community and Country fighting (legally and alone, ) to regain possession of our stolen home and contents. Mr. Trudeau didn't cry or displayed any moral responsibility to-ward us Canadians. He and his Government also forgetting their legislated duty to-ward us Canadians.           

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne personally welcome and embraced the refugees from Syria, at Pearson airport in Toronto.

As for Syrian refugee Vanig Garabedian why did't you stay in your  "beloved home country" and fight like a man for your Country. Why did you seek pity in Canada? 

By the way the war is over in Syria you can go back and help rebuild your "beloved home country."      

For us Seniors, who helped build this Country and its prosperity for over fifty five years, the Prime Minister and Premier couldn't care less. 

They and there Government Colleague's were fully informed with documented court and land register evidence, of OUR "refugee status" In Canada.

For over six years Due Process of Law was and still is denied to us.

In four weeks is Christmas again and we have been prevented by the Ontario Government from regaining right full possession of our house.       

On Monday, December 4/2017 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is traveling to China fore not only on a trade mission, but also will address human rights violations there.

As the Canadian Prime Minister maybe he should attend to our human rights violations in Canada first before preaching to others. (previous posted: Just Junk-More detailed Plus Picture )   

On another note, he should look in his own Country for jobs creations and investments. We Canadians are able to  for-fill those needs our self quite well. (previous posted blog: Jobs Jobs Jobs, updated with Pictures and Videos)    




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