69) Ontario Entrepreneurs And There Business Are Not Wanted In Ontario

Did I miss any-think, or am I just a stupid, gullible Canadian entrepreneur? It seems that industrial espionage is a common business practice and accepted in Ontario now? The Canadian Rule of Law appears to be a non existing illusion?  

Why are successful, and by the Canadian Research Counsel certified, Canadian/Ontario inventions and product developments being willfully sabotaged and disregarded by Canadian/Ontario Governments?

Reported, (Premier Wynne China's trade mission) in the Toronto Star December 1/2017. "A leading manufacturer is planning to open an Ontario factory  assembling as many as 900 electric vehicles in the next five years. Premier Kathleen Wynne says, The move by BYD Company LTD. which has an Canadian Office in Windsor, would mean 20 to 30 jobs initially"  .......   

Why do Government Officials go on World-wide Trade Missions? Why don't the make it there Mission to assist newly developed Canadian/Ontario manufacturing and there entrepreneurs?

Why not embrace and promote large all-ready established real International opportunities for trade, in Canada/Ontario? 

The following information's are matters of public record and out of court proceedings transcripts.

I, Arnold Guettler, graduated as a Ornamental Plasterer ( Stuckateur ) in Germany. In 1960, I immigrated with my family to Canada.

In 1992 I invented and  directed the development of extrusion machinery for the in factory produced moldings and accenting products. Those exterior and interior building materials are now widely used in Commercial, Industrial and upscale Housing in Canada and Nord America, manufactured by other companies who stole the technology. 

In 1995-96 I further invented and directed the development of large scale production machinery for the manufacturing of structural and cladding insulated cementatious building elements.

Products were official evaluated and tested by the Canadian Research Council. Environmental reports and market study were commissioned and executed by Ernst & Young and KPMG.

In the last phase of the seven years research and development, a 44,000 sq ft. Factory-Research facility was leased with fully equipped  laboratory, staffed with three Chemical Engineers.

In addition, my companies employed four Structural Engineers, four Mechanical Engineers, a full tine in-house Lawyer, a full time in house level 5 Accountant and two staff, a full time in house Patent Agent, a full time in house Technical Writer and 26 general supporting staff members. The total monthly payroll and other overhead was over $170,000.

In 1995 a 1300 sq. Ft. Atrium home was build and displayed at the Toronto Fall Home Show. The display house was partly payed by the Toronto Sun and featured in there newspaper.

In the spring of 1996 a 5.000 sq. ft. demonstration Dream Home was build and displayed at the Toronto National Exhibition. The dream Home was partly payed by the  Toronto Star and featured on front page in there newspaper.

Both houses were build with the new, in Ontario-Canada, invented, developed and manufactured building material. The housing structures were certified by Toronto Building Inspectors. "We have reviewed the structural members of their installation for the above-captioned house. We hereby certify , that the subject works have bean completed in accordance with Section 2.3 of the Ontario Building Code and were installed using sound engineering principles."

After the certifications from the Building Inspectors I was allowed to open the demonstration houses at the Expeditions to the Public.

The response was overwhelmingly positive. The materials and concept were accepted and praised national and around the world.

The building materials, technology, marketing and shipping concepts were ready for the global market. Thousands of manufacturing jobs were ready to be implemented in Ontario-Canada and International. The majority of those manufacturing jobs would produce products for the newly established export markets.

With a big happy smile Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne announced from China, that a "deal" (probably a letter of intent)  was signed. The Chinese manufacturer is "planning" to set up an "assembling Plant in Windsor" ( parts are probably manufactured in China)  within fife years, providing 20 to 30 jobs. 

This will give the Chinese electric car/truck manufacturer a duty free Canadian market for its cars and trucks. It also will create 200 to 300 parts manufacturing jobs in "China." 

One's the Canadian deal in Windsor is solidified in years to come, the Chinese manufacturers/investors probably will replace the assembly workers with Swedish build assembly Robots, a modern trend in car assembling plants.

My Companies and I invented, developed and successfully marketed Ontario machinery and building materials technology. We created thousands of manufacturing export jobs, ready to be implemented years ago in Ontario/Canada and other International Countries. (published in previous blogs)

This technology, marketing concepts and thousands of created jobs were intentional sabotaged with the help from Government employees to cover up there INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE.  


House accenting part is covered with Neo-Form manufactured insulated cladding panels and Neo-Form extruded moldings.


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