The practices of Ontario banking has changed. The banks don't engage their own lawyers anymore to confirm the LEGALITY of property trance actions before they finance them.

The accept the independent lawyers " LEGAL" assessments and evaluations to provide, BLINDLY FINANCING.

 The banks don't even make a simple title searches anymore, costing $ 35. So in my opinion, the banks are neglectful in their duties and thereby involving them-self in MONEY LAUNDERING       

The Bank of Nova Scotia registers a $ 568,000 mortgage against the stolen property, (25 Willow Cres.) witch was purchased the same day for $ 450,000.

Canada Mortgage law:Minimum down payment, on a financed   house purchase is 15%. In this case, the purchase price for 25 Willow Crs. (our stolen house) was $ 450.000. There was no down payment what so-ever. To make the sham even more ridiculous, the buyers got a mortgage from the Canadian Bank of Nova Scotia for  $ 568.000, same day. 

  A new law the Government enacted: As of January 1/2018 a  20% down payment is required fore the purchase of a house. The Government should find some ways to enforce their legislated laws and make the Rule of Law REAL and not just a FACADE or ILLUSION.        

25 Willow Cres. our stolen house, was sold on December 9, 2016 to Milton and Maureen Pacheco for $ 450,000.(previous posted blog: Government Tolerating Money Laundering)

Milton and Maureen Pacheco received $ 568,000, same day December 9, 2016 from the Bank of Nova Scotia.

A $ 568,000 Charge/Mortgage was registered against the property  25 Willow Cres. in Barrie On. land register office 51, on the same  day, December 9/2016.

According to the registered documents, Milton and Maureen Pacheco did not make a down-payment or deposit, the got the house without paying anything. 

On top of this illegal dream deal the Pacheco's possessed and occupied not only the house, but with the surplus funds of               $ 118, 000 it appeared that the were able to buy a cabin cruiser and a sports car, witch are anchored and parked at 25 Willow Cres.   

Ontario`s Government and their Agencies have full knowledge of the latest activities, including the illegal occupation-possession of the house for almost six years.  

We have been in court 14 times to regain possession of our house and contence. However since the Ontario Government has statuary guardianship of the property we have no standing in court. 

The Government is fully and constantly informed of all the illegal activities regarding 25 Willow Cres. since August 2011 but refused to communicate with us, or give us any timeline. Government Personal was ordered to court, but refused to attend. I guess the Government, there Agencies and employees don't have to obey the law. The are immune, exempt and protect themselves, or is there any other explanation why the don't enforce there own legislated laws, for over six years?  

Save parcel register, if you want a clearer image.



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