67) Police POWER Rules Not The Rule of Law

 Same Search Warrants were entered as sworn evidence by Police Officer DeLorenzi with a different authorization signatures in a Civil Court and criminal proceedings. 

 Search Warrant entered into Criminal Court (12 member Jury Trial) by Police Officer DeLorenzi as sworn evidence. There were no mandatory filed copy's, of the Search Warrant, in the Justice of the Peace Office.  

Same (different Justice of the Peace authorized Search Warrant) entered into Civil Court by Police Officer DeLorenzi as sworn evidence. 

There were no mandatory filed copy's in the Justice of the Peace office. 

"This case smells, the Court is being used by people for their personal interest." Comment made by Superior Court Justice, C. Marchand, to the Crown in my 5 day, 12 member criminal, Jury Trial.  

There is no use to invent new technology or start a  manufacturing business in Canada/Ontario, the law and law- enforcement personal and the present state of our legal system in Ontario will not protect the start up manufacturing entrepreneurs or there achievements.

Law-enforcement and the legal system is deteriorated to a point were criminals can easily manipulate the flawed legal system and use the Courts, law enforcement and there personal, illegally for there criminal advantage. 

With out a law-abiding and disciplined law-enforcement, an individual entrepreneur or small startup business, is defenseless against professional business PREDATORS and will not succeed. 

Government Agencies have become self serving and vulnerable to corruption. The are tolerating industrial espionage and criminal involvement by there own employees. 

To cover up those crimes, the authorities sacrificed the implementation of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canada and other Countries.   
The following officially documented events cost the immediate loss  of 42 jobs at my corporations Research-Facility, in Ontario. 

The illegal (forged Court order) confiscation of large scale research machinery and 12 years of research documentation, was assisted and authorized  by Government employees. This illegal action prevented the implementation of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canada/Ontario and other license's Country's. ( previous published blog: A Country Without Law & Order)

Using a forged Court Order, ( later official ruled INVALID by Justice Keenan), the Ontario Sheriff's Officers and Police enforced the removal of all the machines, electronic equipment, technical data and research documentation from my company's 44.000 qf. Research/Factory Facility.

With the assistance of another Ontario Government Employee, Enzo Calisi ( Regional Manager for Mexico and Latin America international Business Unit of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for the Ontario Government,) the illegally seized contents from the research facility were shipped to Caribbean and Latin American countries.

Canadian Federal and Provincial government officials, Financial Institutions and high powered Business people were directly involved in  INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE.( previous published blog: Industrial and Economical Espionage) 

On October 31.1996 Newmarket Police officer Angelo DeLorenzi broke down the door on  a industrial unit. He authorized and supervised the removal of 2 storage containers full of contents related to the technology, including visual film and production video equipment.

When I arrived at the unit I told officer DeLorenzi that he was acting illegally and without authority. An unsigned and unauthorized Search Warrant was posted on the door. ( Court evidence)

I was told " to shut up or I  would be arrested". I continued to plea my case by telling the officer of his unlawful actions. I was  arrested, handcuffed and confined to the police cruiser, while the illegal action continued.

On the 31. of  October 1996 , I was charged with theft by Officer DeLorenzi. On January 8. 1998, after an  5 day jury trial, I who defended myself, was found NOT GUILTY by the 12 member JURY. During the trial Justice C. Marchand commented to the Crown, " this case smells and the court is being used by people for their personal interest." ( court transcripts) 

This whole incident and abuse of process, was instigated by Claudio Cinapri and "friends" who engaged police officer Angelo DeLorenzi to illegally confiscate additional technology items and to fabricate criminal charges against me, Arnold Guettler.       



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