39) Brad Calverley " Resigned " After Private Criminal Prosecution Was Initiated By Us.

I confronted the husky uniformed Ontario Enforcement Officer by saying: "THIS ISN'T LEGAL, YOU CAN'T DUE THIS."
The employee of the Ontario Government replied: "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN."

I guess the Ontario Government don't give a damn either. For almost three years Premier Doug Ford and and Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique have all proven documented facts, including numerous Court transcripts.  

Brad Calverley did knowingly make a false document to with a Notice To Vacate with intend that it be acted upon as genuine and did thereby commit forgery. Canada Criminal Code 367.

Canadian Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1998, c. C-46. Private Prosecutions in the Public Interest. We have a registered starting date fore the Criminal Prosecution of Brad Calverley. an uniformed Enforcement Officer, who is working for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. 

After seven years of unsuccessful attempts to get the Canadian and Ontario Authorities to Enforce the Rule of Law, we, a 82 and 78 year Senior Couple were forced to try it our selves. 

All Canadian/Ontario Authorities were fully informed, of the criminal activities committed by Brad Calverley, with Superior Court evidence and other official registered  Documentation including:

Brad Calverley forged a Ontario Superior Court Order. He impersonated the Simcoe County Sheriff by illegally authorizing the false Court Order. (court evidence)

He did knowingly make a false document ( Notice to Vacate) with the intent that it be acted upon as genuine and did thereby commit forgery.

Brad Calverly enforced the bogus Court Order, knowingly that the document is not valid.

He forcefully evicted us, a Senior Couple out of our legally occupied house.

I confronted the husky uniformed enforcement Officer by saying: "this isn't legal, you can,t due this" 

The employee of the Ontario Government replied:

                 "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN" 

Bogus and invalid Superior Eviction Court Order signed, as Sheriff, by Brad Calverley an employee of the Ontario Government, and NOT a Simcoe County Sheriff. 

Sworn Affidavit of Brad Calverley filed and entered, as evidence, into Ontario Superior Court proceedings.  

Attached and part of the sworn, as thru, evidence by Brad Calverley, was the Court transcribed. The entered, as genuine, sworn document was forged.
The documented sworn evidence by Brad Calverley stated, that the transcript was ordered Feb. 29 and completed March 1/2012.

The hearing, referred to in the above documents, before Justice of the Peace Hartt was May 4/2012. Two months after the dated transcript.  
In other Countries Brad Calverley would be criminally charged and convicted of perjury.



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