37) Massive, Seven Police Cruisers,Chase Instigated By Criminals

It was broad daylight and the little house, 25 Willow Cres. 1300 qf.-144 m', was empty and unoccupied for months.

This is Real and not a Charlie Chaplin Comedy Movie. Orillia OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) were "informed," on April 14/2012 at around 10 o clock in the morning that the alarm system was activated at 25 Willow Cres.

 IN LATER COURT EVIDENCE stated by Eve Barris: The alarm system at 25 Willow Cres. was activated, that Saturday morning, by Barris's own people.

On December 19/2011 my wife and I were illegally and force-full evicted, by Ontario Enforcement Officers, from our house. The were using as authorization, a FORGED Ontario SUPERIOR COURT ORDER. ( court evidence)

All of our, over 50 years accumulated contence and memorabilia, were stolen and taken away, under the instructions of disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, who stole our house through TITLE FRAUD. His wife Eve Barris and here relatives removed/scavenged all for them usable items, at will. (court evidence)

The rest of of our belongings were ordered by Eve Barris to be randomly, with-out inventory, and thrown in a " Just-Junk" truck and taken away. 

Eve Barris son in-law Jonathan Smith, a Ontario Assistant Crown Attorney, did not denied, while giving sworn evidence in Court, didn't denied, THAT HE HAD ITEMS FROM OUR HOUSE IN HIS RESIDENCE. (court evidence) 

 On April 14/2012 the house, 25 Willow Cres. was completely empty and not being occupied for months. I HAD NO REASON what-so-ever to break into the House.       

The Police did not even go to the house to check out if there was a break in incident. (Later reviled, it was Eve Barrie's people who triggered the alarm.)

I was a target and the whole thing was set up by the criminals and the cops to stop me from going to a Court hearing, regarding the house, in Barrie the following Monday, April 14/2012.   

Instead the police wend to my wife's and my temporary, police registered address, at 18 Willow Cres. The owner of the residents grand daughter answered the door and when ask, were Arnold Guettler was, she replied, I don't know.

So the Police called in reinforcement, over a half dozen police cruisers blocked every street in and out Lagoon City as far as the swing bridge over the Trent Canal. 

With-out ANY EVIDENCE of a committed crime, the Ontario Provincial Police in Orillia (remember Police Officer Kimberly Wild,s email to Eve Barris,"led me know if there is anything I can help you out with.)" With this in mind, the Orillia Police organized a massive MANHUNT to apprehend me, the 70 year old senior, Arnold Guettler.

That Saturday, I was working in my office in Brechin, just outside of Lagoon City, when my friends Pat and Bob came to inform me, that the police are looking for me. The also told me, that there is a POLICE BLOCKADE around Lagoon City. 

That arranged action, by Eve and Sheldon Barris and the police, was obvious planed to prevent me from attending the Court hearing in Barrie the following Monday April 16/2012.

More detailed information in my next blog: The real Reason why POLICE was asked to HELP OUT.

Back at the my office in Brechin we decided that Pat would pick up my wife in Lagoon City and drive here to a motel near Sutton. On the way there Pat, seeing the police cruiser parked at the Trend Canal swing bridge, advised my wife, just look normal. I would drive in my car, bypassing the police blockade, and meet my wife in the motel.

What an unbelievable situation, two Seniors have to evade the ridiculous pursuit by the police, who had no legitimated or lawful reason for their CRIMINAL ELDER ABUSE.        





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