34) Created Jobs WILLFULLY Destroyed Because Of Greed

Up-dated March 26/2022:  Professionals and Canadian/Ontario Government employees tried to illegally take away (steal) my inventions and world-wide marketing achievements. 

By doing so, the destroyed the implementations of thousands of created good paying jobs in Ontario, Canada and numerous Neo-Form technology licensees ( over 40 International Countries) world-wide.

Large scale created jobs with established export markets were offered to Oshawa
 years ago. Including a personal meeting with Mayor John Gray, economic development department, chamber of commerce. Personal delivered letter to MP (Oshawa riding) Jim Flaherty.   


Published in my blogs, with DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE the true history of my successful business activities. Here again professionals and Canadian/Ontario Government employees tried to Illegally take away ( steal) my inventions and marketing  achievements.

By doing so the DESTROYING the implementation of thousands of good paying JOBS here in Canada/Ontario and other International Countries.

Nobody believed me  in the past, before I 
learned to express myself a bit better in writing and could insert documents into my blogs that, that could happen in Canada, a Democratic Country RULED by the Rule of Law.

It seems like that our PERSONAL encounters with criminal activities committed by professionals including Government Personal (CIVIL SERVANTS) are directly connected with PRIOR  criminal BUSINESS activities committed by professionals and Government Personal, in Canada and other foreign Countries.     

In resent emails to Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney I INFORMED them of the Provincial LAW-LESS, Civil Servants LAW-ENFORCEMENT  and ABUSE of PROCESS regarding our PROPERTY and PERSONAL LIVES.   

Jim Rankin a former senior( over 20 years) reporter with the Toronto Star send me an email before he resigned "it is obvious that I can't write your story."

Maybe there are other News Papers who are NOT CENSORED OR CONTROLLED By THE CANADIAN/ONTARIO GOVERNMENTS, who are willing to write about the unbelievable and uncontrolled "LAW-ENFORCEMENT" and LAW-MANIPULATION in our Country.

I am defiantly not a writer and English is my second language which I never learned academical. Two years ago I didn't even know how to turn a computer on. Using the computers dictionary and the German translator, I managed to write in a rough format the history of my wife and my unimaginable lawless experiences in Canada and Ontario. 

The total disregard of those criminal activities by  Canadian, Ontario Governments their Agencies and Employees is PURPOSELY covert up to HIDE the Canadian/Ontario Governments inability to deal and enforce the RULE OF LAW.





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