33) Court Proven Evidence ILLEGAL EVICTED By An Ontario Civil Servant

Ontario Civil Servant, Brad Calverly used a by him, forged Superior Court Order to take possession of our house.  (Court evidence)

The "Golden Years" of Canadian Seniors, in our 70th, with a MORTGAGE FREE HOUSE. The Property was stolen through TITLE fraud by a DISBARRED ONTARIO LAWYER and possession was taken forcefully and ILLEGALLY by Ontario uniformed civil Servants, eight years ago.

Above: This eviction Superior Court Order (Court Evidence) was forged and used by the Ontario Government Enforcement Officer Brad Calverley, to forcefully remove us SENIORS from our LEGALLY occupied residence.

Above: The from Justice Beatty ordered and in Court received. This is the ONLY filed eviction Order for Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres.

First time, December 19/2011, legal possession of our house was taken away from us when an employee of the Ontario Government used a (the by him-self) FORGED Ontario Superior Court Order to forcefully evict us seniors from our home. 

WE regained PEACE-FULL legal possession of our house again. Eve Barris called the Ontario Provincial Police "TO REMOVE AN UNWANTED PERSON FROM 25 Willow Cres., here residence. (Court evidence)

Because of the BRUTAL REMOVAL by Ontario Police I, at that time 71-year Canadian Senior, developed a severe PANIC ATTACK and was transported by Ambulance to the Hospital. 

No Crime was committed or reported by the Police caller, Eve Barris. (Court evidence)

 Eve Barris and her husband Sheldon Barris (disbarred lawyer) are the people who stole the house through TITLE FRAUD. The house is not and never was their residence or property.  (Court evidence)

We regained peaceful possession of our house on, January 5/2012. We were forceful and illegally removed from our legal occupied house again, this time by the Ontario Police. There was no Court Order (not even an invalid Order)

The INVALID Superior Court Order was executed. In order to evict or remove us again, a new Court Order has to be issued and a Sheriff Officer who is an employee of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General has the only authority to evict.

If no CRIME is reported or committed and no new EVICTION Court Order was obtained, then it is ILLEGAL for the Police to REMOVE us from our home.   

When Ontario Police Officer Kimberley Wild arrived and entered the house she was ordered, by me, to leave the house.

The husky, twice the size of my wife, Police Officer Wild took my then, 75-year-old wife in a very painful arm-lock in order to REMOVE here. (Court evidence)

My wife managed to pull herself free and when she saw the police officer assaulting me by kicking me repeatedly, five-six times in order to REMOVE me from the house, she run over to the next house and called 911. (Court evidence)



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