31) Illegally Evicted By A Government Employee Five Days before Christmas

Updated: Sep. 4/2022: The Superior Court Eviction Order was forged by Brad Calverley a Canadian/Ontario Government Employee.

The only penalty for his "many" committed indictable crimes were, the Ontario Government employee had to resigned. He is one of numerous criminal exposed Canadian/ Ontario Government employees. 

The Ontario Government were afraid that all the other criminal activities committed by their, over 20 years Civil Servant, would expose many hundreds, or more illegal evictions were he used the by him forged Court Orders.         

 EVICTION on December 19/2011 of my wife and me (Seniors) from our house 25 Willow Cres. was illegal. It was confirmed and later ruled, in Court, that the Eviction Court Order was INVALID and never had any value.  

This was over 10 years ago. The Ontario Government is trying ever-since to cover up the
 Human Rights atrocities committed by Civil Servants against Canadian Seniors in Canada.

Many Ontario Civil Servants were fired (lost their jobs) because of their criminal actions and cover up regarding 25 Willow Cres., our house and only residence.

How-ever today Sep. 8/2022   25 Willow Cres. is still ilegally retained by the Ontario Government. 

 Document above: Forged (Brad Calverley is not a Sheriff) and illegally executed, by Ontario Government enforcement employee Bad Calverley, Superior Court eviction Order.

Forged, by Ontario Civil Servant Brad Calverley, (he is not the Sheriff) Superior Court Order. (Court evidence) 

On December 16/2011 I went to the Court House in Barrie, Ont. to apply for a
STAY of EXECUTION for the intended eviction of us, Seniors in our 70th, out of our house, 25 Willow Cres., on December 19/2011.

Reason for the Stay of Execution was given by me, with documented evidence to the Court Clerk. I was later informed by her that she handed the request and documents over to the judicial secretary, Hilda Van Beek, ("now retired") who did NOT forward the documents to Judge Eberhard.  

Reason for Stay of Execution was, as stated in law, to get a proper and legal hearing before an Ontario Superior Court Judge. 

Evidence and supporting documents for the requested hearing was submitted to the Court Clerk on December 16/2011. Including:

The Superior Court Order for the EVICTION on December 19/2011 of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from there house, 25 Willow Cres. was FORGED. It was CONFIRMED and ruled in later Court proceedings, that the Eviction Order was INVALID. 

Also, in the submitted documents was a statement from me, that I was BLACKMAILED by Vincent Chiarelli ("illegal") Agent for Jorlee Holding INC.) in a previous encounter at the Landlord Tenant Board, to sign a Mediation Agreement. (Court evidence)

Vince Chiarelli was ILLEGALLY (Court Order below) acting and singing for Jorlee Holding INC. at the Landlord Tenant Board Mediation meeting. In Law: The agreement is INVALET. 

I further stated and submitted in writing to the Court, that Vincent Chiarelli was threatening by telling me "If I don't agree to sign the Mediation Agreement, he would call his friend the Bailiff and tell him to throw my wife out of the house and change the locks." 

I also submitted in writing to the Court, that my 75-year-old wife was alone in the house. Being afraid for the safety of my wife, I agreed to signed what-ever.

I signed the Mediation Agreement despite of the FACTS:

*Landlord Tenant Board has no jurisdiction to RULE on issues between Jorlee Holding Inc. and Chelmarc Holding Corp. TWO Ontario CORPORATIONS.

*I signed the Agreement UNDER DURESS, by law, renders a     contract VOID.

*There was NO RENTAL AGREEMENT. (Court evidence)

The "Landlord" Agent Vincent Chiarelli is illegally acting and singing for Jorlee Holding INC. This is making the agreement 

In addition, the Landlord Tenant Board has no jurisdiction on issues between the two Corporations Chelmarc Holding Corp. and Jorlee Holding INC.

Ontario Superior Court Order (Court File No.CV -143514) The Court Orders that Enzo Vincent Chiarelli is permanently enjoined (prohibit) from engaging in the practice of law or in the provision of legal services in Ontario. 

Vincent Chiarelli was ILLEGALLY working for Jorlee Holding INC. at the Landlord Tenant Board. He "NEGOTIATED" and signed the Mediation Agreement Cel-13445-11, there-for the Agreement is by Law INVALID.

As of today, Nov. 11/2018, our STOLEN house, 25 Willow Cres., is still ILLEGALLY occupied and used for MONEY LAUNDERING.

Premier Ford and Attorney General Doug Downey. How much longer can you ignore all the PROVEN forged legal DOCUMENTS? Illegal COURT PROCEEDINGS and illegal MANIPULATIONS of the Court system? PROVEN INTERFERENCE by Ontario Government employees and Agencies? We Seniors have the right to enjoy our GOLDEN YEARS AND GET OUR HOUSE BACK?   

As of today, Oct. 16/2020, we are still waiting that you, Premier Doug Ford and your Government, fulfill your legislated duty and obey the law.




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