Updated: March 3/2022: Over $ 10.000,000 worth of contracts were signed world wide by my Neo-Form Companies and me.  Over $ 1,200.000 were paid to the Neo-Form Companies in deposits and down payments. 

Picture above: Refugees from Haiti at the Dominican Republic border after the natural disaster ( earthquake in 2010)

Picture above: Composite drawing of a ( 320 qf living space) sturdy Haiti Refugee habitat.

Picture above: Progress of building a prototype Haiti Refugee dwelling on a thee acre leased property in Brechin Ont. Industrial Park. This Canadian humanitarian project was stopped by arrogant stupidity.

 Desperately needed humanitarian help in Haiti is stopped by Ontario Civil Servants. 

Document above: First paragraph  determine "exactly"  "what is exactly to be placed" it chows the incompetent's of the writher. 

On a prototype research and development project you can not determine exactly what is taking place. This is why you research. When you got the right understanding, you develop.     

Above document: Is real, it describes and documents the unbelievable and ridiculous demands I need to comply. Before I am aloud to build a temporary research and development, of the ground, 320 qf  prototype Haiti refugee habitat.       

On a comical note: The Hillbillis look smart compared to those clowns regulating and enforce the Ramara/Brechin administration rules/laws.  

Audited by the Canadian Research Council, that $ 1,530,564.00 was spent by my, Arnold Guettler, Mesron machine fabrication Company for qualified research and development.

My, Arnold Guettler, 80% Neo-Form Corporation also received $ 549, 616,00 refund from the NRC for qualified Canadian research and development.

The Administration of Brechin/Ramara had full knowledge of my previous large scale building material and housing research and development experience.

Also audited by the Canadian Research Council, $ 549, 616.00 was spent by my, Arnold Guettler, Neo-Form Corporation for qualified newly invented and developed building materials.

Other World-Wide marketing contracts were signed creating thousands of jobs by Arnold Guettler, Neo- Form North America Company.

Invented in Ontario and fully developed large scale production machinery and newly designed and tested building materials were ready to be used in the, by Neo-Form established, world markets.


By Neo-Form (Arnold Guettler) invented and developed large scale production machinery. This 150 ft. production machine can extrude numerous cementatious building products continuously
at a maximum speed of 30ft. 10m a minute.

Constructing the 1300 qft.-145 qm sections of the Neo-Form Atrium (Retirement Home) which was fully build with Neo-Form building products. 

Above: This Neo-Form Retirement Home was erected and displayed at the Toronto National Home Show in 1995.

Above: This 5.000 qf. (552 qm.) Neo-Form Dream-Home was erected and displayed at the Toronto National Home show in the year 1997.


Above: By Arnold Guettler invented, developed and manufactured in Ontario/Canada outside insulated cladding and accenting moldings.  

Above: New invented, by Arnold Guettler, and manufactured by Neo-Form in Toronto-Canada insulated panels. 

Applied newly invented and developed insulated-cementatious building material on a house in Tottenham Ont. 

Picture above: House in Tottenham Ont. cladded with Neo-Form panels and decorated with Neo-Form moldings. 

Backside of house.

Installed Neo-Form panels on same house.

Installed Neo-Form panels on industrial buildings in Ontario.

Above: Installed Neo-Form panels and moldings on houses in Nashville and Schomberg Ontario.

 At that time, since September 1997, illegally privatized and illegally operating Ontario Security Commission sabotaged and destroyed the implementation of thousands of created manufacturing jobs in Ontario, Canada, America and other foreign  Countries . 

 My companies Neo- Form and Neo-Form North's America have sold manufacturing and technology licenses for the new, in Ontario invented and developed  building material and large scale manufacturing machinery technology in Canada and many foreign Countries. 

Disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris, lawyer Ephraim Fiksel and Robert Zigler were under the wrong impression that all my, Arnold Guettler, accumulated corporate value would be willed into Chelmarc Holding Corp. 

Chelmarc Holding Corp. was incorporated by my wife Ingeborg Guettler Oct 18/1999. This Company was solely heir's! It was not connected or had any-think to do with my, Arnold Guettler, companies Neo-Form, Neo-Form North America and Mesron Corp. or any of my other business.
 A missing "O" summitted in a forged document to the Ontario Government by Ephraim Fiksel, a Ontario license Lawyer, started and it still continues an avalanche of MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE against us SENIORS.   


This fraudulent change in a unauthorized registration attempt was discovered by the Ontario Government. Ephraim Fiksel filed DOCUMENT  had an INCORRECT Chelmarc Holding Corp. Nr. 138015       

Due to illegal and wrong filing of the forged and contradicting documents by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, Ingeborg Guettler's legitimate Chelmarc Holding Corp. was 
cancel by the Ontario Government on April 13/2006.

As a resold there-after, 25 Willow Cres. property was wrong- full vested (owned) in to and by the Crown (Ontario Government) on April 13/2006. 

Above registered document of the
authentic Chelmarc Holding Corp. with president Ingeborg Guettler. Registered corporations CORRECT Nr. 1380015 with two 00.  Address off this company was changed and official registered by the Company President Ingeborg Guettler in 2004 as 25 Willow Cres. Brechin Ont. LOK 1BO

According to the records of Canada Revenue Agency 25 Willow has NEVER BEEN SOLD after the property was purchased by Chelmarc Holding Corp. on Oct. 23 2003.

Government request were mailed to Ephraim Fiksel forged Chelmarc Holding Corp. MAIL BOX Company 8929 Weston Road Suit 5 Woodbridge, Ont. LAL 1AG  

According to Ontario Government employee Sandra Darks (Oshawa Office) all mailed requested information documentation were not answered by Ephraim Fiksel. 
All issues regarding 25 Willow Cres. are resolved with Revenue Canada by Ingeborg Guettler and the file has been closed since August 2015. 

As of that date, it is the DUTY of the Ontario Government to obey the ESTABLISHED LAW and have the property, which is STILL vested in to the Crown, and possession of 25 Willow Cres,  TRANSFERRED BY the ONTARIO GOVERNMENT to the, RIGHT-FULL OWNER INGEBORG GUETTLER  

Second request from the Government was mailed to the PAPER Chelmarc Holding Corp. Ephraim Fiksel's mail box "OFFICE"

Due to illegal interference and filing of falsified documentation by lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, my wife's company Chelmarc Holding Corp. registration was canceled on April 13/2006 and all assess of the company were vested in to and owned by the Crown, (Ont. Government) according to Mortgage Act. RSO 1990 Sec. 244 (1)

My Wife did not find out about the cancellation of her company till August 9/2011. I reported, with documented evidence, to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General the  attempted TITLE FRAUD of 25 Willow Cres. by disbarred lawyer Sheldon Barris.

First report to the Ontario Government of Title Fraud of our house, 25 Willow Cres.
During following meeting with France Vandenberg and Sandra Darks I was informed that correspondence from the Ontario Government was send to Chelmarc Holding Corp. 8929 Weston Road, Suite 5 Woodbridge Ontario L4L 1A6

Bogus paper Chelmarc Holding Corp. Incorporated by Ephraim Fiksel with documented head office A MAILBOX 

Illegal registered transfer of 25 Willow Cres. by Ephraim Fiksel. A property vested in to and owned by the Crown (Ontario Government)

Illegally registered bogus Power of Sale transfer from Sheldon Barris, who did not own the property, to his own company Jorlee Holding INC. for $ 535,000.

Above is a copy of the bogus, by Ontario lawyer Ephraim Fiksel registered land transfer document. I received this particular copy from the Law Society of Upper Canada during the appeal process.

The x on top of the document verifies that the Law Society received the complain package regarding the documented criminal activities of there registered lawyer-member Ephraim Fiksel.





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