19) Ontario Police BRUTALITY Against Seniors

Updated Jan. 5/2022: There was no LEGALLY authorized order to evict/remove us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from our residence and office. (Court evidence)

There were no ILLEGAL acts committed or reported regarding us Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler. 

The police had no LEGAL reason or Legal ORDER to REMOVE us SENIORS out of our legally occupied residence. 

The Ontario Provincial Police was asked, by Eve Barris, "to remove an unwanted party from the premise" (25 Willow Cres.)

I, Arnold Guettler, was sitting peace-full in my office chair with my arms and hands on the armrest when Police Officer Kimberly Wild came into my home office. She entered the house with-out any legal authority. I was brutally assaulted by the Ontario Police Officer. I was at that time a 71-year Canadian Senior. (Court Evidence)    

After REGAINING legal possession of our house, 25 Willow Cres. on January 5/2012, the CRIMINALS who stole the house through TITLE FRAUD called the police "to help out."

Court document above: "we were requested by yourself
(Police Officer Kimberley Wild) to place some personal effects at the end of the road, (driveway) I believe it was pictures."

This brutal incident were police inflicted bodily and mental harm on me was not reported or investigated by the SIU. (Special Investigation Unit)

We senior were illegally and with=out a Court Order "REMOVED." This time by the Ontario Police. The removal was so BRUTAL executed by police, (including kicking me 5-6 times) that I developed a severe panic attack and was transported by ambulance to the hospital. (court evidence)

Above a very affectionate email from the CRIMINAL to the POLICE.   

" Your home is your castle" not in Canada. The Law will not protect you. In-fact the law (police), as proven in our case, is assisting the criminals.

Previous possession of our house was force-fully taken from us, on Dec. 19, 2011, by Ontario Civil Servant Brad Calverley. He used as authority a by him forged Superior Court Order. (Court Evidence)

             Ontario Superior Court Order forged by Brad Calverley an Ontario           Government Employee. 

911 records


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