17) Criminal Activities By Civil Servants Proven By Ontario Superior Court EVIDENCE

Up-dated Feb. 5/2022: There is no OFFICIALLY recorded or FILED evidence of any executed eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler at 25 Willow Cres. ( Superior Court Evidence)

Documents below: Certified and Court Prove, that the Eviction Order for 25 Willow Cres. was forged. This used eviction Order was never filed. (Court evidence)

To conceal his crimes Ontario Enforcement Officer Brad Calverley filed a unauthorized eviction Order. According to official filed Court Records: The eviction of Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler from 25 Willow Cres. never happen.

The only
filed Eviction Superior Court Order of 25 Willow Cres. was not authorized or used. Certified date of unauthorized and unused filed Court Order was July 29/2014, three years after the illegal eviction. (court evidence)

I reported the First time, in person, August 9/2011 to the Ontario Government that 25 Willow Cres, which was and is vested into the Crown has been STOLEN and is used for MONEY LAUNDERING. 

I presented to Crown lawyer, France Vandenberg, over 40 documents (which she mad copies of) including the bogus power of sale registration document of 25 Willow Cres. by Ontario lawyer Ephraim Fiksel. 

Last report to the Ontario Attorney General was on November 18/2016. I reported in a registered letter, that 25 Willow Cres. was sold again (fourth time) and closing was set for December 9/2016. 

Responding Letter from the Ministry dated November 25/2016 and other related responding letters are, attached on the end of this blog.   

All illegal transactions and financing were constantly reported, with documented evidence, to the Ontario Government and there Agencies. 

Including: Former Ontario Premier Wynne, Attorney General Yasir Naqvi and present Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney.   

25 Willow Cres. was FOUR times ILLEGALLY sold. The property was and IS PROTECTED by LAW, while VESTED IN TO the ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. 

Due to the inability and unwillingness of the Office of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General) to deal with their RESPONSIBILITY,  25 Willow Cres is still, as of today, February 5/2022, illegally occupied and used for money laundering.

France Vandenberg, Corporate Counsel for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, was PERSONALLY informed with DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE by me on August 9/2011, that the property was ILLEGALLY sold and illegally registered on December 8/2010 by Ontario practicing Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel.

This is one of the documents given to France Vandenberg, proving that 25 Willow Cres. was ILLEGALLY sold and used for MONEY LAUNDERING and Tax Fraud, while it was owned  (illegality confiscated) by the Ontario Government. 

and EXECUTED for the eviction by Ontario Enforcement Officer Brad Calverley Superior Court Order was not filed. ( court evidence)

 25 Willow Cres. was stolen from Ontario Government by Ontario Lawyers. Und then, with full INFORMED documented knowledge to the Government and there Agencies, 25 Willow Cres. was sold through BOGUS POWER OF SALE proceedings which were financed by CANADIAN BANKS.

Last ILLEGAL transaction, witch was also reported with documented evidence to the Ontario Government, was registered as a sale on December 9/2016 for $ 450,000. The purchaser received, same day a mortgage for $ 568,000 from the CANADIAN BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.  



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