10) Ontario Government Willfully Ignoring The Rule Of Law

A in Court proven invalid (forged) Superior Court Order was executed. This knowingly invalid Order was used by, Brad Calverley, an Ontario Government enforcement Official to forcibly remove us Canadian seniors out of our legally owned and legally occupied residence, 25 Willow Cres.   

 We seniors were illegally eviction from our legally, mortgage free, occupied house by an Ontario Government uniformed Enforcement Officer on December 19/2011.

All pertinent Federal and Ontario Government Officials, including Ontario current Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney, were reported to and informed with documented EVIDENCE during the almost eight years.

As of today, May 23/2019 our, with the assistance and full knowledge of Government Personal, stolen through title fraud house, IS STILL ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED AND USED OPENLY FORE MONEY LAUNDERING.

Brad Calverley, who NEVER was a Simcoe County Sheriff, illegally authorized, as Sheriff, and used the invalid Superior Court Order for the force full eviction of us seniors, at that time in our 70th, out of our legally occupied home five days before Christmas eve.


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